Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/1006

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Fresh Pursuit, Uniform Act on. See Dis- trict of Columbia. Friar Point, Miss., bridge authorized across Mississippi River at------------ Front Royal Quartermaster Depot Mili- tary Reservation, Va., certain lands of, added to Shenandoah National Park---------------------------- Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases, appropriation for investigations, etc - Fruit Growers' Dam and Reservoir, Colo., immediate availability of allotment for acquisition of right-of-way --_ _. -- Fruit Insects, appropriation for control -_ Fruit. Spirits, allowances for losses from leakage, etc., upon withdrawal of packages ------------------------- Fruitlands Irrigation Project, N. Mex., appropriation for ------ --------- Fuel, appropriation for testing --------- Fund for Payment of Government Losses in Shipment, appropriation for ---- Fur Resources Investigations, appropria- tion for------------------------- Furs, etc., marking requirements for pack- ages containing, in interstate com- merce --------------------------- Page 747 815 953 717 960 1202 701 722 658 963 840 720 915 1058 1346 1347 711 781 513 699 754 1071 141E 723 862 K1 G Gaging Streams, appropriation for ----- Gaithersburg, Md., appropriation for latitude observatory -------------- Gallatin County, Ill., bridge authorized across Ohio River at Shawneetown - - Gallery of Art. See National Gallery of Art. Gallipolis, Ohio, Federal participation in celebration of 150th anniversary of settlement ---------------- Appropriation authorized ------------ Gallup-Shiprock Highway, N. Mex., ap- propriation for maintenance, etc., of portion within Navajo Reservation- Galveston, Tex., appropriation for hydro- graphic office-------------------- Gambrill, Stephen W., payment to widow of---------------------------- Ganado Irrigation Project, Ariz., appro- priation for--------------------- Garrison, N. Dak., time extended for bridging Missouri River at ------- Gas and Oil, consent of Congress granted to extension of interstate compact for conservation of, between Oklahoma, Texas, California, and New Mexico-- Gas and Oil Prospecting Permits, exten- sion of certain------------------ Gas Investigations, appropriation for---- Gasoline, tax on, extension of---------- Gasque, Allard H., payment to widow of- 98907-39-pt. 2 --- 2 Gatun, C. Z., Naval Radio Station, con- Page struction at, authorized ---------- 800 General Accounting Office: Agriculture, Department of, transfer of funds authorized to pay administra- tive expenses in auditing agricul- tural payments------------------ 974 Appropriation for----------------- 532, 629 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1939, administrative expenses- 930 Judgments ---------------------- 1329 Civilian employees, time limitation for presenting claims for increased compensation for period July 1, 1917-June 30, 1924, for considera- tion by ---------------------- 1343 Reorganization Act of 1939, exemption of, from transfer, etc., under ----- 561 General Anthony Wayne Memorial Com- mission, appropriation for --------- 1305 General Clarence R. Edwards Memorial Bridge, Springfield, Mass. , retroces- sion of jurisdiction over, granted to State -------------------------- 1127 General Disarmament Conference, bal- ances reappropriated--------------- 988 General Federal Office Building, Wash- ington, D. C. , appropriation for acqui- sition of land and construction ---. 515 General Grant National Park, Calif., ap- propriation for administration, etc- 726 General Headquarters Air Force, com- manding general, retirement privi- leges --------------------------- 740 General Land Office. See Interior, De- partment of the. General of the Armies, office of Military Secretary to, created ---------.----- 551 General Staff Corps. See War Depart- Ilment. Genetics and Biophysics, appropriation for investigations--------------------- 953 Geodesy and Geophysics, International Union of: Appropriation for contribution -------- 892 Seventh General Assembly of, appro- priation for organizing and holding_ 896 Geographical Union, International, ap- propriation for contribution -------- 892 Geography and History, Pan American Institute of, appropriation for contri- bution--------------------------- 892 Geologic Surveys, appropriation for ----- 720 Geological Survey, Bureau of. See In- terior, Department of the. George, Preston L., payment to--------- 1302 George Washington Memorial Parkway, appropriation for administration, -,. RiLA7231 1306 XLVII INDEX , -u-------

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