Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 53 Part 2.djvu/76

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[53 STAT. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 19-21-MAR. 28 , 1939 Promotion of officer now serving. 41 Stat. 283 . Proviso. Limitation. advice and consent of the Senate, to promote to the grade of colonel an officer of the Army who has served as military secretary to the General of the Armies continuously since that office was revived by Act of Congress approved September 3, 1919: Provided, That not more than one appointment to office shall be made under the terms of this Act. Approved, March 28, 1939. [CHAPTER 20] March 28, 1939 [S. 877] [Public, No. 13] Rocky Boy Indian Reservation, Mont. Certain public-do- main land added. Description. March 28, 1939 s. 1104] [Public, No. 14] Choctaw and Chick- asaw Sanatorium and General Hospital. Conveyance of land, buildings, etc., to United States. AN ACT To add certain public-domain land in Montana to the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby withdrawn from the public domain and added to the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation, in Montana, subject to all valid existing rights and claims, all public domain land in the following described area: Sections 19 to 36, inclusive, township 31 north, range 14 east; sections 1 to 5, inclusive, sections 8 to 17, inclusive, sections 20 to 29, inclusive, sections 30 to 36, inclusive, township 30 north, range 13 east; townships 30 north, ranges 14 and 15 east; west half, south- east quarter section 6, section 7, west half west half section 8, west half northwest quarter, southwest quarter section 17, section 18, section 19, west half, west half east half section 20, sections 29 to 32, inclusive, township 30 north, range 16 east; sections 1 to 5, inclu- sive, sections 8 to 17, inclusive, sections 20 to 29, inclusive, sections 32 to 36, inclusive, township 29 north, range 13 east; township 29 north, range 14 east; northeast quarter, west half southeast quarter, west half section 5, section 6, section 7, west half, west half north- east quarter, southeast quarter section 8, sections 17 to 20, inclusive, sections 29 to 32, inclusive, township 29 north, range 16 east; sections 1 and 2, township 28 north, range 13 east, sections 1 to 30, inclusive, township 28 north, range 14 east; and sections 6 and 7, sections 17 to 20, inclusive, and sections 29 and 30, township 28 north, range 15 east, Montana principal meridian. Approved, March 28, 1939. [CHAPTER 21] AN ACT To provide for conveying to the United States the land, buildings, and improve- ments comprising the Choctaw and Chickasaw Sanatorium and General Hospital. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the principal chief of the Choctaw Nation and the governor of the Chickasaw Nation be, and they are hereby, authorized to grant and convey to the United States of America, with the consent and approval of the Secretary of the Interior, not less than one hundred and sixty acres and all buildings and improvements thereon comprising the Choctaw and Chickasaw Sanatorium and General Hospital. Approved, March 28, 1939. 552