Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 1.djvu/1271

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INDEX A Page Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., appro- priation for construction, etc., author- ized----------------------------- 704 Acadia National Park, Maine, appropria- tion for administration, etc------- 445, 451 Accounting Office. See General Account- ing Office. Accounts and Deposits, Office of Commis- sioner of. See Treasury Department. Adams Act, appropriation to carry pro- visions into effect------------------ 535 Adjusted Compensation Payment Act, ap- propriation for administrative ex- penses--------------------------- 652 Adjutant General's Department. See War Department. Admissions Tax, amendments with regard to------------------------------ 523 Adoption, provision regarding final decree of,in D.C ---------------------- 235 Advertising, minor purchases, etc., con- solidation of exceptions ------------ 1109 Repeal of designated provisions------- 1111 Aerial Legal Experts, International Tech- nical Committee of: Appropriation for contribution author- ized--------------------------- 263 Appropriation for----------------- 188 Purchases without advertising-------- 1110 Aerial Surveys, per diem payments ------ 229 Aeronautical Charts, appropriation for compilation ----------------------- 199 Aeronautics. See Civil Aeronautics. Aeronautics, Bureau of. See Navy Depart- ment. Aeronautics, National Advisory Committee for: Appropriation for ----------------- 134, 599 Airplane engine research laboratory, construction of--------------- 599 Contracts authorized ----------- 60C Damage claims------------------- 92 Langley Field, Va., construction work--------------------- 134, 60 Purchases without advertising--------- 110 Aeronautics Authority. See Civil Aero- nautics Authority. AerU;:~on n,-rn -Oriartinn for minister to- 183 Africa, Convention Relating to Liquor Page Traffic in, appropriation for contri- bution-------------------

188 Agrarian Claims Commission, United States and Mexico, appropriation for participation------------------- 651 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, Amendments: Imports, investigations; fees and re- strictions----------------------- 17 Warehouse, removal of commodity from, without cancelation of re- ceipt; penalty------------------- 1019 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938: Amendments- Agricultural adjustment, etc., pay- ments, regulations with regard to rights of second party---------- 729 Commodity Credit Corporation, authorization of certain loans by; repayment of, etc-------------- 728 "Market," definition of------------ 727 Marketing penalties, collection and refund---------------------- 728 Normal yields, corn, wheat, and cot- ton, determination of------- 728, 1211 Payments in case of payee's death, etc-------------------------- 728 Tobacco- Acreage allotments, determination of------------------------ 392 "Carry-over," definition---------- 392 Marketing quota provisions -- 392, 1209 Records, etc., of warehousemen and dealers, fine for failure to keep_ 394 Wheat, applicability of farm market- ing quota to small crop farms- _- 232 Appropriation for- Enforcement------------------- 86, 561 Parity payments ----------------- 563 Agricultural Adjustment Administration: Division of Disbursement, Treasury De- partment, transfer of funds to, authorized---------------------- 57 Marketing and Marketing Agreements, Division of- Consolidation into Surplus Market- ing Administration---------- 1232 Interchange of limitations on admin- istrative expenditures---------- 562 I ~UP~IIII L~~·~ t~lu~-·-r---