Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1026

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54 STAT.] UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 2.- Les Administrations de des- tination qui assurent le reache- minement de d6epches-avion ou de correspondances-avion par la voie aerienne dans leur reseau interne procedent de la meme maniere. 3.- Aussit6t que possible et, au plus tard, six semaines apres la cl6ture des operations de statis- tique, les releves AV 3 et AV 4 sont transmis en double expedition aux bureaux d'echange exp6diteurs pour 8tre revetus de leur accepta- tion. Ces bureaux, apres avoir accept6 les releves, les transmet- tent a leur tour Aleur Administra- tion centrale qui en fait parvenir un ezemplaire A 1'Administration centrale cr6anciere. 4. - Si 1'Administration cr6an- ciere n'a requ aucune observation rectificative dans un intervalle de trois mois Acompter de l'envoi, les releves sont consid6rds comme admis de plein droit. Dans les relations entre pays eloigns, ce delai est porte A quatre mois. ARTICLE 22. Compte des frais de transport a6rien. 1.- Les poids bruts des d6peches et les poids nets majores de 10% des envois a decouvert, figurant dans les releves AV 3 ou AV 4, sont multiplies par un chiffre etabli d'aprs la frequence des services d'et6 et d'hiver; les produits ainsi obtenus servent de base A des comptes particuliers 6tablissant en francs les prix de transport reve- nant a chaque Administration pour le semestre en cours. 2. -Le soin de dresser ces comptes incombe A l'Administra- tion cr6anciere qui les transmet A 1'Administration debitrice. 3. -Les comptes particuliers sont dresses en double expedition et transmis aussit6t que possible A l'Administration debitrice. Si l'Administration creanciere n'a requ aucune observation rectifica- 2. The Administrations of des- tination which assure the refor- warding of air dispatches or of air-mail articles by air in their domestic services proceed in the same manner. 3. As soon as possible, and at the latest six weeks after the close of statistical operations, the forms AV3andAV4aresentin duplicate to the dispatching ex- change offices for acceptance. Those offices, after accepting the statements, send them in turn to their central Administration, which forwards a copy to the central Administration of the creditor country. 4. If the creditor Administra- tion has not received any state- ment of differences within an in- terval of three months, counting from the date of transmittal, the statements are considered as auto- matically accepted. In relations between distant countries, that period is extended to four months. ARTICLE 22 Aerial transportation account 1. The gross weights of the dis- patches, and the net weights in- creased by 10 per cent of the articles in open mail, shown in the statements AV3orAV4,are multiplied by a figure determined by the frequency of the summer and winter services; the products thus obtained serve as the basis for individual accounts showing, in francs, the transportation charges due to each Administra- tion for the current six-month period. 2. The duty of preparing those accounts is incumbent upon the creditor Administration, which transmits them to the debtor Administration. 3. The individual accounts are made up in duplicate and trans- mitted as soon as possible to the debtor Administration. If the creditor Administration has not received any statement of differ- 193470--41-Pr. r - --64 Forwarding of state. ments. Post, pp. 2260,2261 . Presumption of ac- ceptance. Basis for accounts. Post, pp. 2260,2261. Preparation and transmission. Presumption of ac- ceptance. 2247