Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1179

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. Entry into force; duration. Notice of intention to terminate. ter into full force thirty days after the exchange of the proclamation and the instrument of ratification, which shall take place in the City of Washington as soon as possible, and shall continue in force until December 15, 1942, unless termi- nated in accordance with the pro- visions of Articles VI, IX or XII. Unless at least six months be- fore December 15, 1942, the Government of either country shall have given to the other Government written notice of in- tention to terminate this Agree- ment on that date, the Agreement shall remain in force thereafter, subject to the provisions of Arti- cles VI, IX and XII, until six months from such time as the Government of either country shall have given such notice to the other Government. In witness whereof the respec- tive Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement and have affixed their seals hereto. Done in duplicate, in the Eng- lish and Spanish languages, both authentic, at the City of Caracas, this sixth day of November, nine- teen hundred and thirty nine. For the President of the United States of America: (Seal) FRANK P. CORRIGAN For the President of the United States of Venezuela: (Seal) E. GIL BORGES WHEREAS such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions and such continuance of existing customs and excise treatment as are set forth and provided for in the said modus vivendi and definitive agreement, including the two Schedules annexed to each of them, are required and appropriate to carry out the said modus vivendi and definitive agreement; vigor treinta dias despues del canje de los instrumentos de ratificaci6n y de proclamaci6n, que se efec- tuar, en la ciudad de Washington tan pronto como fuere posible, y permanecerh en vigor hasta el 15 de diciembre de 1942 a menos que cesaren sus efectos de conformidad con lo previsto en los Articulos VI, IX o XII. Si por lo menos seis meses antes del 15 de diciembre de 1942 el Gobierno de cualquiera de los dos paises no notificare al otro por escrito su intenci6n de termi- nar el presente Convenio en la fecha mencionada, el Convenio continuari en vigor en lo su- cesivo, sujeto a las provisiones de los Articulos VI, IX y XII hasta seis meses despu6s que uno de los dos Gobiernos hubiere dado tal aviso al otro Gobierno. En fe de lo cual los respectivos Plenipotenciarios han firmado este Convenio y le han puesto sus sellos. Hecho en duplicado, en los idiomas espafol e ingl6s, siendo ambos textos autenticos, en la Ciudad de Caracas, a los seis dias del mes de noviembre de mil novecientos treinta y nueve. Por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Venezuela, (Sello) - E. GIL BORGES Por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de America, (Sello) FRANK P. CORRIGAN Signatures. 2400