Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1190

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HAITI-FINANCES-SEPT. 27, 1940 Supplementary agreement between the United States of America and Haitifurther modifying the agreement of August 7, 1983, respecting Haitian finances. Signed September 27, 1940; effective October 1, 1940. September 27,1940 [E. A. S.No. 183] SUPPLEMENTARY EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND THE RE- PUBLIC OF HAITI The undersigned plenipotentia- ries, duly authorized by their re- spective Governments, have agreed upon the following Supplementary Executive Agreement: ARTICLE I On and after October 1, 1940 and until and including Septem- ber 30, 1941, all monies received by or for the Haitian Government shall be deposited in the National Bank of the Republic of Haiti to the credit of the Haitian Governe- ment with the exception of the following sums which will be deposited to the credit of the Fiscal Representative: 1. the five per centum of customs revenues foreseen in Article IX of the Ac- cord of August 7, 1933,' and 2. the amounts needed for payments connected with execution of the Loan Contracts which payments during the period mentioned shall consist of the amounts necessary to pay the interest on all out- standing bonds issued under the Loan Contracts of October 6, 1922 and May 26, 1925, and 3. all addi- tional receipts which the Haitian Government will collect during the fiscal year 1940-1941 over and above the amount carried in the budget 1938-1939 and over and above all other amounts which ACCORD EXECUTIF ADDITIONNEL ENTRE LES ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE ET LA REPUBLI- QUE D'HAITI Les Plenipotentiaires, sous- signes, diment autorises par leurs Gouvernements respectifs, sont convenus de l'Accord Additionnel suivant: ARTICLE I A partir du ler. Octobre 1940 et jusqu'au 30 Septembre 1941 in- clusivement, tous les fonds recouvres par ou pour le Gouver- nement Haitien seront deposes, au credit du Gouvernement Hai- tien, a la Banque Nationale de la Republique d'Haiti a l'exception des sommes suivantes qui seront deposees au credit du Represen- tant Fiscal: 1. les 5% des recettes douanieres prevues A l'Article iX de l'Accord du 7 Aoit 1933, et 2. les valeurs exigibles pour les paiements afferents au service des contrats d'emprunt, lesquels paie- ments, durant la periode susmen- tionnee, consisteront en les valeurs necessaires pour payer les interets sur tous les titres en circulation emis d'apres les contrats d'emprunt des 6 Octobre 1922 et 26 Mai 1925, et 3. toutes les recettes addition- nelles que le Gouvernement Hai- tien aura recouvrees pendant l'annee fiscale 1940-1941 en sus de la valeur portee au budget 1938-1939 et en sus de toutes autres valeurs qui peuvent etre [Executive Agreement Series No. 46; see also the modifying agreements of January 13 and July 1, 1938, and July 8, 1939 (Executive Agreement Series Nos. 117, 128, and 150).] Deposit of receipts. 48 Stat. 1780; 2 Stat. 1473; 53 tlt. 1923, 402 . 2411 54 STAT.]