Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1281

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. cial to the safety of the Ameri- can Republics, such territories shall, in accordance with the principle reaffirmed by this declaration that peoples of this continent have the right freely to determine their own destinies, be organized as autonomous states if it shall appear that they are able to constitute and maintain them- selves in such condition, or be restored to their previous status, whichever of these alternatives shall appear the more practicable and just; (b) That the regions to which this declaration refers shall be placed temporarily under the provisional administration of the American Republics and this administration shall be exercised with the two-fold purpose of contributing to the security and defense of the Continent, and to the eco- nomic, political and social progress of such regions and, RESOLVES: To create an emergency com- mittee, composed of one repre- sentative of each of the American Republics, which committee shall be deemed constituted as soon as two-thirds of its members shall have been appointed. Such ap- pointments shall be made by the American Republics as soon as possible. The committee shall meet on the request of any signatory of this resolution. If it becomes necessary as an imperative emergency measure be- fore the coming into effect of the convention approved by this Con- sultative Meeting, to apply its dicial a la seguridad de las Repdblicas Americanas, los territorios serAn, de acuerdo con el principio que por la presente Declaraci6n se rea- firma, de que los pueblos de este Continente tienen el de- recho de disponer libremente de sus propios destinos, o bien organizados como Es- tados aut6nomos si apare- ciera que son capaces de cons- tituirse y mantenerse en esa condici6n, o bien restaura- dos a su situaci6n anterior, seg6n parezca mfs factible y equitativo una u otra de estas alternativas. b). -Que las regiones a que la presente se refiere seran colo- cadas temporalmente baja la administraci6n provisional de las Repiblicas Americanas y esta administraci6n se ejer- cerk con el doble objeto de contribuir a la seguridad y defensa del Continente y al progreso econ6mico, politico y social de dichas regiones; y RESUELVE: Crear un Comit6 de emergencia compuesto de un Representante por cada una de las Repdblicas Americanas, el cual se conside- rara constituido desde que esten nombradas las dos terceras partes de sus miembros, debiendo los Gobiernos de esas Repdblicas de- signarlos dentro de la mayor breve- dad. Este Comit6 se reunirh a peti- ci6n de cualquiera de los signa- tarios de esta Resoluci6n. Si antes de entrar en vigor le Convenci6n acordada en la pre- sente Reuni6n de Consulta, fuere necesario, como medida imperiosa de emergencia, aplicar sus es- Emergency com- mittee. 2502