Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/1300

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54 STAT.] INTER-AMERICAN-RADIO COMMUNICATIONS-DEC. 13, 1937 2536 2540 2544 2548 2552 2556 2560 2564 2568 2572 2576 2580 2584 2588 2592 2596 2600 2604 2608 2612 2616 2620 2624 2628 2632 2636 2640 2644 2648 2652 2656 2660 2664 2668 2672 2676 2680 2684 2688 2692 2696 2700 2704 2708 2712 2716 2720 2724 2728 2732 2736 2740 2744 2748 2752 2756 2760 2764 2768 2772 2776 2780 2784 2788 2792 2796 2800 2804 2808 2812 2816 2820 2824 2828 2832 2836 2840 2844 2848 2852 2856 2860 2864 2868 2872 2876 2880 2884 2888 2892 2896 2900 2904 2908 2912 2916 2920 2924 2928 2932 2936 2940 2944 2948 2952 2956 2960 2964 2968 2972 2976 2980 2984 2988 2992 2996 3000 3005 3010 3015 3020 3025 3030 3035 3040 3045 3050 3055 3060 3065 3070 3075 3080 3085 3090 3095 3100 3105 3110 3115 3120 3125 3130 3135 3140 3145 3150 3155 3160 3165 3170 3175 3180 3185 3190 3195 3200 3205 3210 3215 3220 3225 3230 3235 3240 3245 3250 3255 3260 3265 3270 3275 3280 3285 3290 3295 3300 3305 3310 3315 3320 3325 3330 3335 3340 3345 3350 3355 3360 3365 .3 370 3375 3380 3385 3390 3395 3400 3405 3410 3415 3420 3425 3430 3435 3440 3445 3450 3455 3460 3465 3470 3475 3480 3485 3490 3495 3500 to 4000 Amateur SECTION 4. TOLERANCES AND SPURIOUS EMISSIONS -I- TABLE OF FREQUENCY TOLERANCES AND OF INSTABILITIES The Inter-American Radio Conference, Considering: a) that technical progress since the preparation of the Table given in Appendix I of the Madrid General Radio Regulations permits an appreciable reduction of the figures therein given for tolerances and instabilities; b) that, although the tolerances and instabilities applicable ac- cording to the Madrid General Regulations should continue to be applied for present transmitters, transmitters constructed after the date given in the Table below should be held to more severe re- quirements; Frequency toler- ances and instabilities. 49 Stat. 2585; ante, p. 1589. 2521