Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/455

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54 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-REGIONAL RADIO-DEC. 8 , 1938 Convention between the United States of America (in behalf of the Canal Zone) and other powers respecting regional radio. Signed at Gua- temala City December 8, 1938; ratificationadvised by the Senate of the United States July 21, 1939; ratified by the President of the United States August 11, 1939; President'sinstrument of ratificationin behalf of the Canal Zone deposited with the Government of Guatemala Sep- tember 8, 1939; proclaimed by the President of the United States Sep- tember 18, 1939. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Regional Radio Convention for Central America, Panama and the Canal Zone was signed at the City of Guatemala on December 8, 1938, by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, in behalf of the Canal Zone, Costa Rica, El Sal- vador, Guatemala, Honduras, with a reservation, Nicaragua and Panama, the original of which convention in the Spanish and English languages is word for word as follows: December 8, 1938 [T. S.No. 949] Preamble. CONVENCION REGIONAL DE RA- DIO DE CENTRO AMERICA, PA- NAMA Y ZONA DEL CANAL, SUS- CRITA EN LA CIUDAD DE GUA. TEMALA, EL DIA OCHO DE DI. CIEMBRE DE MIL NOVECIEN- TOS TREINTA Y OCHO Los suscritos, representantes de los Gobiernos de Costa Rica, El Salvador, Estados Unidos, en representaci6n de la Zona del Canal, Guatemala, Honduras, Ni- caragua y Panama, despues de examinadas sus credenciales, ha- bi6ndolas encontrado en correcta y debida forma, constituyen la Conferencia Regional de Radio de Centro America, Panama y Zona del Canal, en la siguiente forma: Por la Repdblica de Costa Rica: Excmo. Sr. D . Rafael Castro Quezada; Por la Republica de El Salvador: Sres. Ing. D. J. Federico Mejia; D. FidelVillacorta; REGIONAL RADIO CONVENTION FOR CENTRAL AMERICA, PA- NAMA AND THE CANAL ZONE, SIGNED IN THE CITY OF GUA- TEMALA, DECEMBER EIGHTH, ONE THOUSAND NINE HUN- DRED AND THIRTYEIGHT The undersigned, representa- tives of the Governments of Costa Rica, El Salvador, The United States of America in behalf of the Canal Zone, Guatemala, Hon- duras, Nicaragua and PanamA, after examination of their cre- dentials, which were found to be in correct and proper form, con- stitute the Regional Radio Con- ference of Central America, Pana- ma and the Canal Zone, as follows: For the Republic of Costa Rica: His Excellency Rafael Castro Quezada; For the Republic of El Salvador: Messrs. J . Federico Mejia, and Fidel Villacorta; Regional Radio Convention for Cen- tral America, Pan- ama, and the C nal Zone. Representatives. 1675