Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/460

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TREATIES ti 2,300 kilociclos a 2,400 kilociclos para fines militares, sujeto a las provisiones y limitaciones de los parrafos b) y c), parte III, de esta Convenci6n; Ratifications. c) La presente Convenci6n sera ratificada por los Gobiernos con- tratantes de conformidad con sus respectivos procedimientos cons- titucionales; Deposit; notifiea- d) Las ratificaciones se deposi- ion. taran en la Secretaria de Rela- ciones Exteriores del Gobierno de Guatemala, quien las notificara a la mayor brevedad posible a los Gobiernos interesados; Effective date. e) La presente Convenci6n en- trari en vigor entre los Gobiernos que la ratifiquen, treinta dias despues de que hayan sido deposi- tados por lo menos dos de los documentos de ratificaci6n en la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores del Gobierno de Guatemala; Denunciation; ei- f) La presente Convenci6n podri ser denunciada por notificaci6n que se dirija al Gobierno deposi- tario, surtiendo efecto la misma en cuanto al Gobierno denun- ciante, un aflo despues de la fecha en que haya sido recibida; El Gobierno depositario notifi- carfi las denuncias que reciba a todos los Gobiernos participantes, con inclusi6n del Gobierno de- nunciante; Texts, authenticity. g) La presente Convenci6n se redacta en espaiol e ingles y ambos textos tendrAn igual fuer- za; Revision, proce- h) Los Gobiernos participantes reconocen que, a pesar de los esfuerzos que se ban hecho para ilegar a un acuerdo satisfactorio, es imposible asegurar, sin ir a la practica, el funcionamiento com- pletamente efectivo de este acu- erdo, y por consiguiente, se hace provisi6n para su revisi6n. Tal [54 STAT. band of 2300 kilocycles to 2400 kilocycles for military purposes, subject to the provisions and re- strictions of paragraphs b) and c), Part Three, of this Convention; c) The present Convention shall be ratified by the contracting Governments in conformity with their respective constitutional pro- cedures; d) The ratifications shall be deposited with the Ministry of Foreign Relations of the Govern- ment of Guatemala, which shall notify such ratifications, as soon as possible, to the Governments concerned; e) The present Convention shall become effective, as between the ratifying Governments, thirty days after instruments of ratifica- tion have been deposited by at least two of them, with the Minis- try of Foreign Relations of the Government of Guatemala; f) The present Convention may be denounced by notification ad- dressed to the depository Gov- ernment, which shall become effec- tive as regards the denouncing Government one year after the date of receipt thereof. The depository Government shall notify all participating Gov- ernments, including the denounc- ing Government, of the denunci- ations received; g) The present Convention is drafted in Spanish and English and both texts shall have equal force; h) The participating Govern- ments recognize that, in spite of the efforts which have been made to arrive at a satisfactory agree- ment, it is impossible to assure, without actual operation, the com- pletely effective functioning of this agreement, and provision is ac- cordingly made for its revision. 1 4