Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/566

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TREATIES Trial limited to offense for which sur- rendered. ARTICLE VII No person surrendered by one of the High Contracting Parties to the other shall be prosecuted, judged or punished for any crime or offense committed prior to his extradition, other than the of- fense for which his surrender was accorded, and no person shall be arrested or detained by civil process for a cause prior to the extradition, unless, in either case, he has been at liberty for one month to leave the country, after having been tried, or, in case of conviction, after having either served his sentence or obtained pardon. ARTICLE VIII Prior trial for same Extradition shall not be granted, act. under the stipulations of this Con- vention, if the person claimed has been tried for the same act in the country to which the requisition is Timelimitation. addressed, or if, subsequent to the acts with which he is charged, the prosecution or the conviction, the action or the sentence has become barred by limitation, according to the law of the said country. ARTICLE IX Person under prose- cution in country where found. Person claimed by other powers. If, at the time of the requisition, the person claimed is being pros- ecuted, or has been convicted of a crime or offense committed in the country of refuge, his extradition may be deferred until such prose- cution is terminated, and/or until he has been released in conformity with law. ARTICLE X If the person claimed by one of the High Contracting Parties, in virtue of this treaty, is also claimed ART. 8. L'extradition ne sera pas ac- cord6e, en vertu des stipulations de la pr6sente Convention, si l'in- dividu reclamd a ete jug6 pour le mmem fait dans le Pays requis, ou, si depuis les faits qui lui sont im- putes, les poursuites ou la condam- nation, la prescription de l'action ou de la peine est acquise d'apras la loi de ce Pays. ART. 9. Si l'individu reclam6 est pour- suivi au moment de la demande, ou se trouve condamne pour un crime ou un delit commis dans le Pays de refuge, son extradition pourra etre diff6ere jusqu'a ce que ces poursuites soient termin6es et jusqu'a ce qu'il ait ete mis en libert6 conformement a la loi. ART. 10. Si l'individu reclam6 par l'une des hautes parties contractantes en vertu du present Trait6 est ART. 7. Aucun individu livrd par une des hautes parties contractantes a l'autre ne sera poursuivi, jug6 ou puni pour aucune infraction commise anterieurement A son extradition, autre que celle pour laquelle sa remise a 6te accord6e; aucun individu ne sera arrete ni d6tenu au civil pour une cause ant6rieure Al'extradition, Amoins que, soit dans un cas, soit dans l'autre, il n'ait eu la liberte de quitter de nouveau le Pays pen- dant un mois, apres avoir ete juge, ou, en cas de condamnation, apres avoir soit subi sa peine, soit obtenu sa grAce. 1786 [54 STAT.