Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/6

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LIST OF PRIVATE LAWS Act Res. 291 ---- Ernest S. Frazier. AN ACT For the relief of Ernest S. Frazier- 292 ----- Max J. Mobley. AN ACT For the relief of Max J. Mobley - - 293 ----- George Louis Artick. AN ACT For the relief of George Louis Artick 294 -__-_ George Lancellotta. AN ACT Conferring jurisdiction upon the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Is- land to hear, determine, and render judgment upon the claim of George Lancellotta ----------- ___ ___ ___ ___ - - - - - 295 ----- Alabama Lewis Poole. AN ACT For the relief of Alabama Lewis Poole --------------------------- 296 ----- Louis Simons. AN ACT For the relief of Louis Simons ... 297 ----- Edward J. Gebhart. AN ACT For the relief of Edward J. Geb- hart--------------------

298 ----- Dane Goich. AN ACT For the relief of Dane Goich -- .. - _-- 299 ---- Mary Nouhan. AN ACT For the relief of Mary Nouhan.. 300 ----- Stanley Falk and others. AN ACT For the relief of Stanley Falk, Howard Franklin, Mrs. Nathan Falk, and Rose Winter 301 ----- Private Earl S. Rogers, U. S. M. C . AN ACT To provide an additional sum for the payment of a claim under the Act en- titled "An Act to provide for the reimbursement of certain personnel or former personnel of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps for the value of personal effects destroyed as a result of a fire at the Marine Barracks, Quantico, Virginia, on October 27, 1938", approved June 19, 1939----------------- 302 --_- _ W. B. Tucker and others. AN ACT For the relief of W. B . Tucker, Helen W. Tucker, Lonie Meadows, and Susie Meadows------------------------------ 303 -- Carrie Howard Steedman and Eugenia Howard Edmunds. AN ACT Granting jurisdiction to the Court of Claims to reopen and readjudicate the case of Carrie Howard Steedman and Eugenia Howard Edmunds ---- _ 304 -... _ Pacific Airmotive Corporation. AN ACT For the relief of the Pacific Airmotive Corporation, Burbank, California 4 Capt. William Bowie. JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing Captain William Bowie, former Chief of the Division of Geodesy in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, Department of Commerce, to accept and wear the decoration of the Cross of Grand Officer of the Order of Saint Sava --- 305 --- Ray E. Nies. AN ACT For the relief of Ray E. Nies 306 --.-- Master Sgt. Francisco R. Acosta. AN ACT For the relief of Francisco R. Acosta 307--- Gorge B. Spearin, estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of George B. Spearin, deceased 308 James Henry Rigdon. AN ACT For the relief of James Henry Rigdon ------- 309 ----- Howard Daurry. XW&i5f- or-t -he-re -l -e- -o - -l - -o - -a --d -b au--v --- 309 .. oward Daury. AN ACT For the relief of Howard Daury:: 310 ---.. Decorations by foreign governments. AN ACT To authorize certain officers of the Army of the United States to accept such medals, orders, and decorations as have been tendered them by foreign governments---

311 ----- InternationalGrain Company, Inc. AN ACT For the relief of of the International Grain Company, Incorporated ------- 312 -.- R. D. Torian. AN ACT For the relief of R. D. Torian __- - 313 Floyd H. Roberts. AN ACT For the relief of Floyd H. Roberts_ 314 ---- Joseph Siortino. AN ACT For the relief of Joseph Sciortino 315 ---- Kenffel and Esser Companyof New York. AN ACT For the relief of the Keuffel and Esser Company of New York -- 316 J. D . Warlick,estate. AN ACT For the relief of the estate of J. D. Warlick

317 Charles Sidenstucker. AN- ACT For the relief of Charles Sidenstucker .......... 318~~------__ oe Fuhn------------------- --

- 318 Rbert Faughnan. AN ACT Forthe relief of Robert Faughnan, 318 -- - ,- -, -_--- ---

I a minor --------- 319 -. RichardL. Calder. AN ACT Forthele ef o-Richard L. - P. Cacck.ANACTFor the relief of Marguerite 321 -. Ragotaki. r Ack----------------------------- 321 - EllaRagotki. AN ACT For the relief of Ella Ra otski- 822 Morrison.Knudsen Company, Inc., and W. C CoCAN For the relief of Morrison-Knudsen Company, Incorpo. rated, and W. C . Cole s...................... Apr. 11, 1940___ 1251 Apr. 11 , 1940 -_ 1252 Apr. 11, 1940___ 1252 Apr. 11, 1940___ 1252 Apr. 11, 1940-_- 1253 Apr. 11, 1940___ 1253 Apr. 11, Apr. 11, Apr. 11, 1940- _- 1254 1940__- 1254 1940__- 1254 Apr. 11, 1940-_- 1 255 Apr. 11, 1940- _- 1 255 Apr. 13, 1940___ 1256 Apr. 13,1940-_ - 1256 Apr. 17, 1940___ 1257 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 17,1940-_- 18, 1940-_ 18,1940. _ _ 18, 1940-_ 1257 1257 1258 1258 18,1940___ 1259 18,1940- _ - 1259 18,1940-- 20,1940- __ 20,1940_ - 20, 1940--- 22, 1940- _ 22, 1940_ 22,1940- _ _ 1259 1260 1261 1261 1261 1262 1262 Apr. 22,1940___ 1263 Apr. 22, 1940-_ 1263 Apr. 22, 1940-_ 1263 Apr. 22, 1940__ 1264 Apr. 22, 1940-_ 1264 Apr. 22,1940___ 1265 vi Date Page