Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/839

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. aux Arrangements et aux Proto- coles finals de ces Actes sont con- sacrees par une declaraton diplo- matique que le Gouvernement de la Confederation Suisse est charge d'6tablir et de transmettre, A la demande du Bureau international, aux Gouvernements des Pays con- tractants. Les additions et les modifica- tions apport6es aux RBglements et Aleurs Protoeoles finals sont con- statees et notifiees aux Administra- tions par le Bureau international. 1 en est de meme des interpr6ta- tions tisees A l'article 21, § 1, lettre c). ARTICLE 23. Execution des resolutions. Toute addition ou modification adoptee n'est excutoire que trois mois, au moins, apres sa notifi- cation. CHAPITRE IV. DU BUREAU INTERNATIONAL. ARTICLE 24. Attributions generales. 1.- Un Office central, fonction- nant ABerne sous la denomination de Bureau international de l'Union postale universelle, et plac6 sous Ia haute surveillance de l'Adminis- tration des postes suisses, sert d'or- gane de liaison, d'information et de consultation aux Pays de 1'Union. Ce Bureau est charge, notam- ment, de r6unir, de coordonner, de publier et de distribuer les rensei- gnements de toute nature qui in- teressent le service international des postes; d'6mettre, A la de- mande des Parties en cause, un avis sur les questions litigieuses; d'instruire les demandes en modi- fication des Actes du Congres; de notifier les changements adoptes et, en g6enral, de proceder aux etudes et aux travaux de redaction ou de documentation que la Con- vention, les Arrangements et leurs Reglements lui attribuent ou dont il serait saisi dans l'int6t de 1'Union. ments and the Final Protocols of those Acts are sanctioned by a diplomatic declaration which the Government of the Swiss Confed- eration is charged with making up and transmitting, at the request of the International Bureau, to the Governments of the contract- ing countries. Additions to and modifications of the Regulations and their Final Protocols are drawn up and communicated to the Adminis- trations by the International Bu- reau. The same applies to the interpretations contemplated in Article 21, Section 1, letter (c). ARTICLE 23 Effective date of decisions No addition or modification adopted is effective until at least three months after its notification. CHAPTER IV INTERNATIONAL BUREAU ARTICLE 24 Generalfunctions 1. A central Office, operating at Berne under the name of International Bureau of the Uni- versal Postal Union, and placed under the supervision of the Swiss Postal Administration, serves as an organ of liaison, information and consultation for the countries of the Union. That Bureau is charged, in particular, with assembling, coor- dinating, publishing and distribut- ing information of all kinds con- cerning the international postal service; with giving, at the request of the interested parties, an opin- ion on questions in dispute; with making known requests for modi- fication of the Acts of the Con- gress; with giving notice of the changes adopted; and, in general, with undertaking such studies and work in connection with editing and arranging material as the Convention, the Agreements and their Regulations may assign to it, or which may be entrusted to it in the interests of the Union. Effective date Operation. Functions, duties, etc. 2060