Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/841

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2062 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS Limitation. 2.- La libert6 du transit des colis postaux d acheminer par les voies terrestres et maritimes est limit6e au territoire des Pays participant a ce service. Insured articles. Les envois avec valeur declar6e peuvent transiter en d6pAches closes par le territoire des Pays qui n'assurent pas le service des envois de l'espece ou par des services maritimes pour lesquels la responsabilit6 des valeurs n'est pas acceptee par lea Pays, mais la responsabiht de ce s ays est limitee h celle qui est prevue pour lea envois recommandes. Ar-mlparoes. S.- La liberte du transit des colis-avion est garantie dans le territoire entier de l'Union. Tou- tefois, lea Administrations qui n'ont pas adher6 A l'Arrangement concernant les colis postaux ne peuvent etre obligees de participer A l'acheminement, par les voies terrestres et maritimes, des colis- avion. ARTICLE 27. Interdiction de taxes non pr6vues. Prohibition against unauthorized charges. II est interdit de percevoir des taxes postales, de quelque nature que ce soit, autres que celles qui sont pr6vues par la Convention et les Arrangements. ARTICLE 28. OTHER THAN TREATIES [54 STAT. 2. Liberty of transit for parcel post to be sent by the land and sea routes is limited to the territory of countries participating in that service. Insured articles may be sent in transit in closed mails through the territory of countries which do not take part in such service, or by maritime services where re- sponsibility for insured articles is not accepted by the countries, but the responsibility of those countries is limited to that pre- scribed for registered articles. 3. Liberty of transit for air- mail parcels is guaranteed through- out the entire territory of the Union. However, the Adminis- trations which have not adhered to the Agreement concerning par- cel post may not be obliged to participate in the transmission of air-mail parcels by the land and sea routes. ARTICLE 27 Prohibition against unauthorized charges It is forbidden to collect postal charges of any kind whatever other than those prescribed by the Convention and Agreements. ARTICLE 28 Suspension temporaire de services. Temporary suspension of services Lorsque, par suite de circon- stances extraordinaires, une Ad- ministration se voit obligee de suspendre temporairement et d'une maniere g6enrale ou partielle l'execution de services, elle est tenue d'en donner immediatement avis, au besoin par telegraphe, a l'Administration ou aux Adminis- trations int6ressees. ARTICLE 29. Monnaie-type. Le franc pris comme unit6 monetaire dans les dispositions de la Convention et des Arrange- ments est le frano-or & 100 cen- When, as a result of exceptional circumstances an Administration finds itself obliged to suspend the execution of services temporarily, in whole or in part, it is bound to give notice thereof immediately, by telegraph if necessary, to the Administration or Administra- tions concerned. ARTICLs 29 Monetary standard The franc used as the monetary unit in the provisions of the Con- vention and Agreements is the gold franc of 100 centimes weigh- Temporary suspen- sion of servies. Monetarystandard.