Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/864

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54 STAT.] UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 mandats de poste ou vers6es en compte courant postal, sont ga- ranties a l'exp6diteur dans les con- ditions d6terminees par l'Arrange- ment concernant les mandats de poste ou par les prescriptions regissant le service des cheques et virements postaux. ARTICLE 67. Indemnite en cas de non-encaisse- ment du montant du rembourse- ment, d'encaissement insuffisant ou frauduleux. 1.- Si l'envoi a 6te livr6 au des- tinataire sans encaissement du montant du remboursement, l'ex- p6diteur a droit A une indemnite, pourvu qu'une reclamation ait 6et formulae dans le delai d'un an pr6vu A l'article 53 et a moins que le non-encaissement ne soit da a une faute ou a une negligence de sa part, ou que le contenu de l'envoi ne tombe sous le coup des inter- dictions pr6vues aux articles 34, §§4et6,lettre c), et46,§1. I1 en est de meme si la somme encaiss6e du destinataire est in- ferieure au montant du rembourse- ment indiqu6 ou si l'encaissement a 6et effectu6 frauduleusement. L'indemnit6 ne pourra depasser, en aucun cas, le montant du rem- boursement. 2. -L'Administration qui a ef- fectue le payement de l'indemnite est subrogee, jusqu'A concurrence du montant de cette indemnite, dans les droits de la personne qui l'a regue, pour tout recours 6ven- tuel, soit contre le destinataire, soit contre l'expediteur ou contre des tiers. ARTICLE 68. into money orders or turned over to a current postal-check ac- count, are guaranteed to the sender under the conditions laid down by the Agreement concerning money orders, or by the provi- sions governing the postal-check service. ARTICLE 67 Indemnity in case of non-collection, insufficient or fraudulent col- lection of the C. O. D. charge 1. If the article has been de- livered to the addressee without collecting the amount of the C. 0. D. charge, the sender is entitled to indemnity, provided that inquiry has been made within the period of one year pre- scribed by Article 53, and unless the non-collection is due to fault or negligence on his part, or un- less the contents of the article come under the prohibitions laid down by Articles 34, Sections 4 and 6, letter (c), and 46, Section 1. The same applies if the sum collected from the addressee is lower than the amount of the C. O . D . charge indicated, or if the collection has been made fraudulently. In no case may the indemnity exceed the amount to be collected on delivery. 2. The Administration which has effected payment of the in- demnity is subrogated up to the amount of such indemnity in the rights of the person who has re- ceived it for all eventual recourse against the addressee, the sender, or third parties. Sommes encaissees regulierement. Sums regularly collected. Indem- Indcmnites. Payement et recours. nity. Payment and recourse L'obligation de payer les sommes encaissees r6gulierement ou l'in- demnite dont il est question s l'article 67 incombe a l'Adminis- tration dont releve le bureau ex- pediteur de l'envoi, sous reserve de son droit de recours contre l'Ad- ministration responsable. The obligation of paying the sums regularly collected, or the indemnity referred to in Article 67, falls upon the Administration to which the office of origin of the article belongs, subject to its right to make a claim against the responsible Administration. Indemnity or non- collection, etc. Ante, p. 2077 . Ante, pp. 2066, 2067, 2071. Deficiency or fraud. Subrogation. ARTICLE 68 Payment of collec- tions, etc. 2085