Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 54 Part 2.djvu/886

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54 STAT.] UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION-MAY 23, 1939 sentation des frais extraordinaires afferents A, certaines voies, sont libres de ne pas diriger par ces voies les correspondances non ou insuffisamment affranchies. ARTICLE 104. Pays 6loign6s. ing the extraordinary expenses pertaining to certain routes, are at liberty not to send unprepaid or insufficiently prepaid corre- spondence by those routes. ARTICLE 104 Distant countries 1. -Sont consideres comme pays 1loignes les pays entre les- quels la duree des transports par la voie de terre ou de mer la plus rapide est de plus de dix jours ainsi que ceux entre lesquels la frequence moyenne des courriers est inf6rieure A deux voyages par mois. 2.-Sont assimil6s aux pays eloignes, en ce qui concerne les delais pr6vus par la Convention et les Arrangements, les pays de tres grande etendue ou dont les voies de communication int6rieures sont peu d6veloppees, pour les ques- tions oh ces facteurs jouent un r6le preponderant. 3.- Le Bureau international dresse la liste des pays vis6s aux §§1et2. ARTICLE 105. Fixation des Equivalents. 1. -Les Administrations fixent les equivalents des taxes et droits pr6vus par la Convention et les Arrangements apres entente avec 1'Administration des postes suisses, a laquelle il appartient de les faire notifier par l'inter- m6diaire du Bureau international. La mmme procedure est suivie en cas de changement d'4quivalents. Les equivalents ou les change- ments d'equivalents ne peuvent entrer en vigueur que le premier d'un mois et, au plus t6t, quinze jours apres leur notification par le Bureau international. Cc Bureau dresse un tableau indiquant, pour chaque pays, les equivalents des taxes et droits mentionn6s au 1"r alin6a, et ren- seignant, le cas 4ch6ant, sur le pourcentage de la majoration ou de la reduction de taxe appliqu6e en vertu de l'article II du Pro- tocole final de la Convention. 1. Countries between which the shortest transit time by land or sea is more than ten days, as well as those between which the aver- age frequency of the mails is less than two trips a month, are con- sidered as distant countries. 2. Countries of very great ex- tent, or those whose internal routes of communication are but little developed, for questions where those factors play a decisive part, are assimilated to distant countries, in regard to the periods prescribed by the Convention and Agreements. 3. The International Bureau prepares a list of the countries mentioned in Sections 1 and 2. ARTICLE 105 Fixing of equivalents 1. Administrations fix the equiv- alents of the rates and fees contemplated by the Convention and Agreements by agreement with the Swiss Postal Administra- tion which latter Administration shall give notice of the equivalents through the intermediary of the International Bureau. The same procedure is followed in case of change of equivalents. The equivalents or changes of equivalents can not enter into force except on the first of a month, and at the earliest fifteen days after their notification by the International Bureau. That Bureau makes up a table indicating, for each country, the equivalents of the rates and fees mentioned in the first paragraph, showing the percentage of in- crease or reduction, if any, made in the rates by virtue of article II of the Final Protocol of the Convention. Distant, etc., coun- tries. List. Fiing of equiva- lents. Notice. Entry into force. Tables. Ante, p. 206 . 2107