Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 1.djvu/275

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250 Charters. Duration. Increase of lending authority of RFC. Post, p. 744. June 10, 1941 [8. J. Res. 31] [Public Law 109] PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 190, 191, 193-JUNE 10, 12, 1941 [55 STAT. St. Lawrence seaway, Passamaquoddy, Florida ship canal, and Tombigbee River projects, or to the project known as the Nica- ragua Canal. The powers of every corporation hereafter created or organized under this subsection shall be set out in a charter which shall be valid only when certified copies thereof are filed with the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives and published in the Federal Register, and all amendments to such charters shall be valid only when similarly filed and published. The charters of corporations heretofore so created or organized shall be so filed and published before July 1, 1941, and amendments thereto shall be valid only when certi- fied copies thereof are hereafter so filed and published. No corporation heretofore or hereafter created or organized by the Corporation pursuant to this subsection shall have succession beyond January 22, 1947, except for purposes of liquidation, unless the life of such corporation is extended beyond such date pursuant to an Act of Congress." SEO. 5 . The amount of notes, bonds, debentures, and other such obligations which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is author- ized to issue and have outstanding at any one time under existing law is hereby increased by $1,500,000,000. Approved, June 10, 1941. [CHAPTER 191] JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the President of the United States to present to Eire on behalf of the people of the United States a statue of Commodore John Barry. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United atue of commo- States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the dore John Barry to be United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to present presented to. to the Irish Nation, now known as Eire, a statue of Commodore John Barry in honor of the bicentenary in 1945 of the birth of Commodore John Barry. thApprriation au- SEC. 2 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to effectuate the purposes of this joint resolution. Sculptor, design, SEO. 3 . The statue to be presented shall be executed by a sculptor et. to be chosen by a committee of three members, who shall serve without compensation or remuneration. This committee shall be appointed by the President. The design and cost of the statue within the limit set shall be approved by the committee. Approved, June 10, 1941 June 12, 1941 [8. J. Res. 741 [Public Law 110] Finland. Postponement of payment of amounts payable to U. S. Agreement author- zed. [CHAPTER 193] JOINT RESOLUTION To authorize the postponement of payment of amounts payable to the United States by the Republic of Finland on its indebtedness under agreements be- tween that Republic and the United States dated May 1, 1923, May 23, 1932, and May 1, 1941. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Republic of Finland, at its option, may postpone the payment of amounts payable to the United States of America during the period from January 1, 1941, to December 31, 1942, inclusive, under the agreements between that Republic and the United States of America dated May 1, 1923, May 23, 1932, and May 1, 1941. In the event of the exercise of the option granted in this section the Secretary of the Treasury is author-