Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/332

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TREATIES and Mr. David E. Grant and Dr. E. Gil Borges. This Committee submitted to the Governing Board at the session of December 5, 1934, a report on the juridical personality of foreign companies in the coun- tries of America. The conclusion of the report of the Committee was presented in the form of the following recommendation: Panama y Haiti, y los sefiores Don David E. Grant y Dr. E. Gil- Borges, la cual someti6 al Consejo Directivo en su sesi6n del 5 de diciembre de 1934 un informe sobre la personalidad juridica de las Compafiias extranjeras en los pai- ses de America. Como conclusi6n de su informe, la Comisi6n hizo la siguiente recomendaci6n: Recommendation. "Companies constituted in ac- "Las sociedades constituidas se- cordance with the laws of one of gdn las leyes de uno de los Estados the Contracting States, and which Contratantes con sede en su have their seats in its territory, territorio, que no tengan asiento, shall be able to exercise in the sucursal o representaci6n social territories of the other Contract- en otro de los Estados Contratan- ing States, notwithstanding that tes, podrin, sin embargo, practicar they do not have a permanent en el territorio de 6stos actos de establishment, branch or agency comercio que no sean contrarios a in such territories, any commer- sus leyes y comparecer en juicio cial activity which is not contrary como demandantes o como de- to the laws of such States and to mandadas, con sujeci6n a las enter all appearances in the courts leyes del pais." as plaintiffs or defendants, pro- vided they comply with the laws of the country in question." Declaration. The undersigned, being prop- Los suscritos, debidamente au- erly authorized by their respective torizados por sus respectivos Go- Governments, declare that the biernos, declaran que los principios principle formulated by the Com- formulados por la Comisi6n en mittee of Experts in the foregoing la conclusi6n del informe arriba conclusion to the report mentioned inserta, estan en armonia con la above, is in harmony with the doctrina establecida en la legisla- doctrine established in the laws ci6n de sus respectivos paises. of their respective countries. Deposit of protocoL The present protocol, in Span- El presente protocolo, en es- ish, Portuguese, English and pafol, portugu6s, ingl6s y frances, French, under the present date, con la fecha de hoy, sera deposi- shall be deposited in the Pan tado en la Uni6n Panamericana y American Union and remain open quedara abierto a la firma de los for the signature of States which paises que deseen hacer aniloga desire to make an analogous dec- declaraci6n. laration. rovision for d- The representatives of the States Los representantes de los Esta- which desire to adhere with modidi- dos que eseen adherir con algunas dwis which desire to adhere with modi- dos que deseen adherir con algunas Committee report submitted. [55 STAT. 1204