Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/354

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. Flight pay. Artigo 12-Os oficiais de Aviaqao receberao, tambem, uma remu- neracao de v6o de 1:000$0 mensal, mediante comunicagco escrita do Chefe da Missao, certificando o cumprimento, por parte deles, das condigoes exigidas pelos Regula- mentos do Exercito dos Estados Unidos da America. Tax exemption. Artigo 13-As remuneragoes fi- xadas nos dois artigos precedentes serao isentas de qualquer imposto federal ou estadual, durante o prazo deste contrato, e o Minist6rio da Guerra indenizara qualquer onus que possam sofrer, em consequencia de impostos ulteriormente langados no Brasil. Accrted leave and Artigo 14-Cada membro da Missao receberA remuneracao rela- tiva a ferias que nao tenha gozado, como tambem ao periodo neces- sario para viajar para, ou, do Brasil, computado na base da rota maritima usualmente mais curta entre New York e Rio de Janeiro. A remuneracao referente a viagem de retorno a New York sera paga adeantadamente. First-lass passage. Artigoi1-0 Governo dos Es- tados Unidos do Brasil fornecera aos membros da Missao e respec- tivas familias passagens de pri- meira classe, de New York para o Rio de Janeiro e do Rio de Janeiro para New York, pela rota mari- tima usualmente mais curta. Artigo 16-As despesas do trans- porte de m6veis, bagagens e auto- movel, entre New York e sua resi- dencia no Brasil, para cada mem- bro da Missao, inclusive retirada de bordo, na vinda e encaixota- mento e colocaqao a bordo, no regresso, serao custeadas pelo Governo Brasileiro, uma vez em cada diregao. As despesas para outros embarques ou desem- Article 12-Aviation officers hall also receive flight pay mounting to Rs. 1:000$000 per lonth provided the Chief of the dission, by written communica- ion, certifies that they have ful- iled the requirements of the Jnited States Army Regulations. Article 1S-The compensation ixed in the two preceding articles hall be exempt from all Brazilian Federal and State taxes during the )eriod of this Agreement and the Ministry of War shall reimburse my charge which may be imposed ts a consequence of future taxes which may be levied in Brazil. Article 14-Each member of the Mission shall receive compensation for accrued leave and for the period aecessary for travel to and from Brazil computed on the basis of the shortest usually traveled sea route between New York and Rio de Janeiro. Compensation for the return voyage to New York shall be paid in advance. Article 15-The members of the Mission shall be furnished by the Government of the United States of Brazil with first-class passage for themselves and their families from New York to Rio de Janeiro and from Rio de Janeiro to New York by the shortest usually traveled sea route. Article 16-The expenses for transportation of furniture, bag- gage and one automobile for each member of the Mission, including the cost of unloading on arrival and of packing and loading on de- parture, between New York and his residence in Brazil, shall be defrayed once in each direction by the Brazilian Government. Ex- penses for other shipments will not Transportation of furniture, etc. 1228