Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/356

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [55 STAT. os especificados nos artigos pre- other than those specified in the Provision of auto- mobile. Airraft. Offices. Transportation of remains in case of death. cedentes, recebera ele do Governo Brasileiro todas as remuneracoes e vantagens como si se houvesse completado esse prazo, e ser-lhe-ao atribuidos os beneficios constantes do artigo 14, deste Titulo. Artigo 22-As despesas de trans- porte e viagem no Brasil, a serviCo oficial do Governo Brasileiro, serao por este custeadas, de acordo cor o artigo 10. Artigo 23-Sera fornecido ao Chefe da Missao, pelo Governo Brasileiro, um automovel apro- priado, corn o respectivo motorista, e, mediante requisicao previa, um aviao convenientemente equipado para o uso dos membros da Missao, quer a servico oficial, quer para os v6os peri6dicos de treinamento, exigidos pelos Regulamentos do Exercito Americano, ficando, ao mesmo tempo, seu pessoal autori- zado a sobrevoar o territ6rio brasileiro em avioes do Exercito Americano, mediante previo enten- dimento cor o Ministro da Guerra do Brasil. Nao sera o Governo dos Estados Unidos, nem qualquer dos mem- bros da Missao responsabilizado por danos ao material e equi- pamento, ou por ferimentos ou mortes de terceiros, causados ou resultantes de acidentes ocorridos no decorrer de qualquer voo a servico. Artigo 2 4-Os membros da Mis- sao disporao de instalaqces apro- priadas para seus trabalhos. Artigo 25-Si algum membro da Missao ou pessoa de sua familia fa- lecer no Brasil, o Governo Brasi- leiro fara transportar o corpo para foregoing Articles, he shall receive from the Brazilian Government all the compensation and allow- ances to which he would have been entitled upon the completion of two years, and shall be entitled to the benefits of Article 14 of this Title. Article 22-Transportation and travel expenses in Brazil on the official business of the Brazilian Government shall be defrayed by that Government in accordance with Article 10. Article 23-The Chief of the Mission shall be furnished by the Brazilian Government with a suit- able automobile, with chauffeur, and upon advance requisition a properly equipped aircraft shall be supplied for the use of the mem- bers of the Mission either for official business or for the occa- sional training flights required by the Regulations of the United States Army; at the same time authority is granted to the person- nel of the Mission to fly over Brazilian territory in United States Army aircraft after prior under- standing with the Minister of War of Brazil. Neither the United States Gov- ernment nor any member of the Mission shall assume any respon- sibility for damage of material or equipment, or for injuries to or deaths of third persons, caused by or resulting from accidents occur- ring during any of these service flights. Article 24-Suitable offices shall be made available for the members of the Mission. Article 25-Should any member of the Mission, or of his family, die in Brazil, the Brazilian Gov- ernment shall have the body trans- 1230