Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 55 Part 2.djvu/791

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[55 STAT. Stat. 2621. Regulation 6, "Shipment, Transportation and Possession of Certain note. Migratory Game Birds", is amended to read as follows: REGULATION 6.-SHIPMENT, TRANSPORTATION AND POSSESSION OF CERTAIN MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS Migratory game birds of a species on which open seasons are pre- Ante, p. i6. scribed by regulation 4 of these regulations, legally taken, and parts thereof, may be transported in or out of Alaska, subject to regulations 48 u. . c. O. 191- under the Alaska Game Law (43 Stat. 739), as amended, Puerto Rico, 21 1. or the State where taken, during the respective open seasons in Alaska, Puerto Rico, or in that State. Such birds when legally taken in and exported from Canada or Mexico, and if from Mexico when they are accompanied by a Mexican export permit, may be transported into the United States during the open seasons where killed. Ante, p. 1665; post, Not more than the number of such birds permitted by regulation 5 p.1693. of these regulations to be taken by one person in 1 day, or in 2 days in the case of ducks (except wood ducks), geese (1 day in the case of geese taken in Siskiyou County, California, Alexander County, Illinois, and Hyde County, North Carolina), brant, and woodcock, shall be transported by any one person in 1 calendar week out of Alaska, Puerto Rico, or the State where taken or from Canada or Mexico into the United States. No such birds, or parts thereof, shall be transported from any State, Alaska, Puerto Rico or the District of Columbia to or through another State, Alaska, Puerto Rico or the District of Columbia, or to or through Canada or Mexico, contrary to the laws of the place in which they were taken or from, to or through which they were trans- ported; nor shall any such birds be imported into the United States from Canada or Mexico contrary to the laws of the place in which they were taken or from, to or through which they were transported. Any such birds or parts thereof in transit during the open season may continue in transit such additional time immediately succeeding such open season, not to exceed 5 days, necessary to deliver the same to their destination, and may be possessed in any State, Alaska, Puerto Rico or District during the period constituting the open season where taken, and for an additional period of 20 days next succeeding said open season. Any package in which such birds or parts thereof are transported shall have the name and address of the shipper and of the consignee and an accurate statement of the numbers and kinds of birds or parts thereof contained therein clearly and conspicuously marked on the outside thereof. Migratory game birds imported from countries other than Canada and Mexico.- Migratorvgame birds of a species on which open seasons Aate,. P.63. are prescribed by regulation 4 of these regulations, legally taken in and exported from a foreign country (other than Canada and Mexico, for which provision is hereinbefore made) may be transported to any State, Alaska or Puerto Rico during the open season prescribed by said regulation 4 for such State, Alaska or Puerto Rico on that species, and to the District of Columbia during the open season so prescribed for Maryland, and may be possessed in such State, Alaska or Puerto Rico for an additional period of 20 days immediately succeeding such open season, by any one person in 1 calendar week in numbers not Astep. 166. exceeding those permitted by regulation 5 of these regulations to be taken by one person in 1 day, or in 2 days in the case of ducks (except wood ducks), geese, brants, and woodcocks, if transportation and possession of such birds are not prohibited by such State, Alaska, Puerto Rico or District and if transported in packages marked as hereinbefore provided in this regulation. PROCLAMATIONS--AUG. 16, 1941 1666