Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/1164

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INDEX Greetings of Season, extension of, to armed forces--------------------- Grew, Joseph C., appropriation for salary_ Guam: Appropriation for- Lepers, care of; transfer to Culion, P. I---------------------... Naval Station, operation, etc., of school----------------------- Guantanamo, Cuba, Naval Station, appro- priation for school, operation, etc---- Guatemala, appropriation for minister to__ Guayule. See Rubber-Bearing Plants. Guilford Courthouse National Military Park Commission, abolishment ----- Gulf of Mexico, appropriation for coastal surveys--------------- _ _- _ _- _ __ __ Gypsy and Brown-Tail Moth Control, appropriation for ------ _ ___ ___ _._. Page 1077 1003 55 57 57 469 778 494 684 H Haida Indians, Alaska, extension of time for filing suit ----------. ..... .-- - Haiti, appropriation for minister to------ Hamilton, Mont., Public Health Service Laboratory, funds available for al- terations -------. - - -- - ________-___ Harbors. See Rivers and Harbors. Hart, Lewis E. and Delia E., release of certain land to ---- _--_ _ ---------- Hartford, Conn., construction of Gulley Brook Conduit ---_--- -___ _------ Harvesting Loans, appropriation for ... - Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans., ap- propriation for education of Indians- Hatch Act (Agricultural Experiment Sta- tions), appropriation to effect provi- sions of -- .. ..-. ..- ... ... ... .. Hatch Act (Political Activities): Amendments- Nonapplication of certain restrictions to- Educational, etc., institutions, em- ployees of ---


_______ Part-time Government employees, certain -------- ..--- -- _____ Appropriation for prevention of perni- cious activities ---

- Hawaii: Appropriation for- Agricultural experiment stations___ 669, Extension work -------- _ __ __ _ - Contingent expenses--.......______ Courts --------------.

--..-. Governor, etc., salaries---------- .. Legislative expenses -------------- Relief and civilian defense --------- Vocational education----. .. . ._ -- -- Vocational rehabilitation -------- .. 323 469 100 174 987 700 522 669 986 181 397 670 672 559 502 559 559 105 577 578 Hawaii-Continued. Farm loans, approval of Act relating to_---------------------______ Japanese, funds available for investiga- tion and prosecution --___---__-- Lands- Exchange of ------- _ _---_ _------_ Transfer of, to--_____--------_____ Revenue bonds, ratification of Act ex- tending time for issuance -- _ -- -_ University of, transfer of agricultural experiment station equipment, etc., Page 270 489 782 1027 270 to ..- ____________._______.__.. 670 Wharves and landings, payment for use of, by Government departments and agencies ------------------- 1071 Hawaii National Park, appropriation for_ _ 549 Hawthorne, Nev., Ordnance Station, ap- propriation for operation of school___ 60 Hayward Hospital, Wis., appropriation for----.....------....--.......-. 525 Healing Arts Practice Act, Amendments. See under District of Columbia. Health, National Institute of, appropria- tion for -------------------------- 583 Health and Sanitation Activities, Emer- gency, appropriation for--------- 100, 583 Health and Welfare Services, Defense, Office of, appropriation for -------- 708 Hebert, Anna Lee, payment to ---------- 111 Hebert, Mrs. Nicholas, payment to ----- 111 Helium: Appropriation for construction and equipment of plants------ _ _ _ 544, 1002 Procurement of, transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines from- Navy Department ----------. 67, 547, 992 War Department ----------------- 547 Hennepin Canal, Ill., appropriation for maintenance------------.-----_ __ 221 Highway, Inter-American, appropriation for -------------- _ ----------_ . 101,409 Highways. See Defense Highway Act of 1941, Amendments. Historic Sites and Buildings, appropria- tion for preservation, etc -_ -- -- - -- - 553 Hog-Cholera Control, appropriation for_ 675 Hog Cholera Virus and Serum, appropria- tion for marketing agreements with respect to_- - - -

___ 675 Hogback Irrigation Project, appropria- tion for-------------------------- 518 Holland. See Netherlands. Holston River, appropriation for construc- tion of dam on south fork of-------- 418 Home Economics, Bureau of. See under Agriculture, Department of. Home Loan Bank Board. 8e Federal Home Loan Bank Board.