Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 1.djvu/519

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77TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CH. 472-JULY 2, 1942 approved jointly by the Secretary of Commerce and the Social Security Board. Customs statistics: For all expenses necessary for the operation of the section of customs statistics transferred to the Department of Commerce from the Treasury Department by the Act approved January 5, 1923 (15 U. S. C . 194), and expenses connected with the monthly publication of statistics showing the United States exports and imports by customs districts and destinations, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $68,500) and elsewhere; rent of or purchase of tabulating, punching, sorting, and other mechanical labor-saving machinery or devices, including adding, typewriting, billing, computing, mimeographic, multi- graphing, photostat, and other duplicating machines and devices, including their exchange and repair; telegraph and telephone service; freight, express, drayage; tabulating cards, stationery, and miscellaneous office supplies; books of reference and periodicals; furniture and equipment; ice, water, heat, light, and power; streetcar fare; and all other necessary incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, $417,500. Compiling census reports and so forth: For salaries and expenses necessary for securing information for and compiling the census reports provided for by law, including personal services in the District of Columbia; temporary employees at per diem rates to be fixed by the Director of the Census; the cost of transcribing State, municipal, and other records; preparation of monographs on census subjects and other work of specialized character by contract or other- wise; construction and repair of tabulating machines and other mechanical appliances, and the rental or purchase and exchange of necessary machinery, appliances, and supplies, $1,242,000, to become available January 1, 1943. Licensed exports statistics: For all salaries and expenses necessary for the preparation, at the New York section of customs statistics of the Bureau of the Census, of reports of licensed exports on a daily cumulative basis, including traveling expenses, rental of tabulating equipment, and printing and binding, $53,000. The appropriation in this title for traveling expenses shall be available for the Census Bureau, in an amount not to exceed $500, for attendance at meetings concerned with the collection of statistics when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATOR OF CIVIL AERONAUTICS General administration, Office of the Administrator: For necessary expenses of the Office of Administrator of Civil Aeronautics in carry- ing out the provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended (49 U. S . C . 401), including personal services in the District of Colum- bia and elsewhere; contract stenographic reporting services; fees and mileage of expert and other witnesses; expenses of examination of estimates of appropriations in the field; purchase (including exchange), operation, maintenance, and repair of aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, instruments, equipment, and spare parts therefor; hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carrying auto- mobiles, and the purchase (including exchange) of one such vehicle; $1,635,000. Maintenance and operation of air-navigation facilities: For neces- sary expenses of operation and maintenance of air-navigation facili- ties and air-traffic control, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; purchase and exchange (not to exceed $20,850), hire, maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger-carry- 42 Stat. 1109. Attendance at meet- ings. Post, p. 714. 62 Stat. 973. 49U. S. C. f 401- 682. Ante, p. 300 . Post, pp. 714, 715. Vehicles. 56 STAT.] 491