Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/232

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[56 STAT. sus informes y archives, cooperar a ejecutar y facilitar la realizaci6n de las resoluciones aceptadas por los Congresos Indigenistas Inter- americanos y las de esta Conven- ci6n, dentro de sus atribuciones, y colaborar con el Gobierno Organi- zador en la preparaci6n y realiza- ci6n del Congreso Indigenista. 2. Solicitar, colectar, ordenar y distribuir informaciones sobre lo siguiente: a) Investigaciones cientificas, referentes a los problemas indi- genas; b) Legislaci6n, jurisprudencia y administraci6n de los grupos indi- genas; c) Actividades de las institu- ciones interesadas en los grupos antes mencionados; d) Materiales de toda clase que puedan ser utilizados por los gobiernos, como base para el desarrollo de su politica de mejora- miento econ6mico y social de las condiciones de vida de los grupos indigenas; e) Recomendacioncs hcchas por los mismos indigenas en los asuntos que les conciernen. 3. Iniciar, dirigir y coordinar investigaciones y encuestas cien- tificas que tengan aplicaci6n in- mediata a la soluci6n de los pro- blemas indigenas, o que, sin tenerla, ayuden al mejor conocimiento de los grupos indigenas. the custodian of the reports, papers and archives thereof. It shall cooperate in the execution and contribute towards the fulfil- ment of the resolutions adopted by Inter-American Indian Confer- ences, as well as those arising from this Convention, within the sphere of its duties. It shall further coop- erate with the Organizing Govern- ment in the preparation and hold- ing of the Indian Conference. 2. It shall solicit, collect, ar- range and distribute reports on the following; a) Scientific investigations in regard to Indian problems; b) Legislation, jurisprudence and administration of Indian com- munities; c) Activities of any institutions interested in such groups; d) Material of all kinds utiliz- able by the Governments as a basis for development of policies looking to economic and social improve- ment of living standards among Indian communities; e) Recommendations made by the Indians themselves in regard to any matters of concern to their people. 3. It shall initiate, direct and coordinate any scientific investi- gations and inquiries immediately applicable to the solution of In- dian problems; or such investiga- tions and inquiries as may, even though not immediately appli- cable, contribute to better knowl- edge of Indian life. 4. Editar publicaciones peri6di- cas y eventuales, y realizar una labor de difusi6n por medio de 4. Publish periodically any mag- azines or such other material as it may from time to time think fit, Reports. Scientific investiga- tions and inquiries. Publicity. TREATIES