Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 56 Part 2.djvu/240

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TREATIES Executive Commit- tee. Voting. Quorum. Meetings. Additional func- tions and duties. 3. Un afio despues de consti- tuido, el Consejo Directivo cele- brara una Asamblea Extraordi- naria para designar el Comit6 Ejecutivo en propiedad, de acuer- do con los terminos sefalados en el inciso 2, del articulo VIII. Los miembros del Comit6 Ejecutivo Provisional, durante el afo de su ejercicio, asi como los del Comite Ejecutivo en propiedad, seran miembros ex-oficio del Consejo Directivo. El Director del Insti- tuto fungira como Secretario de dicho Consejo. 4. El voto del Consejo Directivo y del Comit6 Ejecutivo sera por paises. Cada pais tendra un solo voto. 5. Habra qu6rum en asambleas del Consejo Directivo con los de- legados que representen la simple mayoria de los Estados contra- tantes. 6. El Consejo Directivo cele- brara asambleas generales ordi- narias cada dos afios y las extra- ordinarias que fuesen convocadas por el Comit6 Ejecutivo, con anuencia de la simple mayoria de los paises contratantes. 7. El Consejo Directivo tendrA a mas de las mencionadas, las siguientes funciones y atribuciones: a) Nombrar al Director del Instituto, de acuerdo con los requisitos senalados en la frac- ci6n 1 del articulo IX. b) Estudiara y aprobara el proyecto de organizaci6n y funcion- amiento del Instituto que le pre- sentara el Comit6 Ejecutivo. c) Aprobara sus propios esta- tutos y reglamentos, asi como los del Comite Ejecutivo y los del Instituto. 3. One year after the Governing Board has thus been organized, it shall hold a Special Meeting for the purpose of electing the permanent Executive Committee, in the man- ner set forth in paragraph 2, Article VIII. The members of the Executive Committee during the aforesaid one year period as well as those of the permanent Executive Committee shall be ex officio mem- bers of the Governing Board. The Director of the Institute shall serve as Secretary of the Govern- ing Board. 4. Votes in the Governing Board and Executive Committee shall be by countries. Each country shall have a single vote. 5. Delegates representing a sim- ple majority of the member States shall constitute a quorum at meet- ings of the Governing Board. 6. The Governing Board shall hold ordinary general meetings every two years and such extraor- dinary general meetings as may be convened by the Executive Committee, with the consent of the simple majority of the member States. 7. The Governing Board shall have the following functions and duties, in addition to those men- tioned above: a) Appoint the Director of the Institute in accordance with the conditions set forth in paragraph 1 of article IX. b) It shall study and approve the plan for organization and operation of the Institute sub- mitted to it by the Executive Committee. c) It shall approve its own by- laws and regulations and those for the Committee and the Institute. 1320 [56 STAT.