Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/166

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57 STAT.] MEXICO-CONSULAR OFFICERS-AUG. 12, 1942 Ezequiel Padilla, Secretary of Foreign Relations; Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, which were found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles: ARTICLE I 1.- Each High Contracting Party agrees to receive from the other High Contracting Party, consular officers in those of its ports, places, and cities, where it may be convenient and which are open to consular representatives of any foreign States. 2. - Consular officers of each High Contracting Party shall, after entering upon their duties, enjoy reciprocally in the terri- tories of the other High Contract- ing Party all the rights, privileges, exemptions and immunities which are enjoyed by consular officers of the same grade of the most favored nation, there being under- stood by consular officers Consuls General as well as Consuls and Vice Consuls who are not honor- ary. As official agents, such offi- cers shall be entitled to the high consideration of all officials, na- tional or local, with whom they have official intercourse in the State which receives them. 3. -T he Government of each High Contracting Party shall fur- nish free of charge the necessary exequatur of such consular officers of the other High Contracting Party as present a regular com- mission signed by the chief execu- Al Sefior Licenciado Ezequiel Padilla, Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores; Quienes, habiendose comunica- do uno a otro sus respectivos Plenos Poderes, que se encontraron en buena y debida forma, han convenido en los siguientes arti- culos: ARTICULO I. 1. -Cada una de las Altas s . Reptof conf Partes Contratantes, conviene en recibir de la otra Alta Parte Con- tratante, funcionarios consulares, en aquellos de sus puertos, po- blaciones y ciudades, en donde sea conveniente y que est6n abiertos a los representantes consulares de cualquier Estado extranjero. 2.-Los funcionarios consulares eghts. privileges, de cada una de las Altas Partes Contratantes despues de encar- garse de sus puestos, disfrutaran reciprocamente en los territorios de la otra Alta Parte Contra- tante, de todos los derechos, privilegios, exenciones e inmuni- dades de que gocen los funcionarios consulares de igual categoria per- tenecientes a la naci6n ims favore- cida, debi6ndose entcnder por fiin- cionarios consulares tanto los (C6n- sules Generales como los C6n- sules y Vicec6nsules que no scan honorarios. En su calidad de agentes oficiales, tales funcionarios tendran derecho a la alta con- sideraci6n de todos los funciona- rios, nacionales o locales, con los cuales tengan relaciones oficiales en el Estado que los reciba. 3.- El Gobierno de cada una de Etequaturs andf las Altas Partes Contratantes, recognition proporcionara libre de costo el exequatur necesario a los funcio- narios consulares de la otra Alta - Parte Contratante que presenten - una patente firmada en debida 801