Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 57 Part 2.djvu/427

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5i7 STAT.] ECUADOR-DETAIL OF MILITARY OFFICER-SEPT. 13 , 1943 1063 on official business of the Govern- ment of the Republic of Ecuadoi shall be provided by the Govern- ment of the Republic of Ecuadoi in accordance with the provisions of Article 12. ARTICLE 24. The Government of the Republic of Ecuador shall provide suitable office space and facilities for the use of the officer. ARTICLE 25. The Government of the Republic of Ecuador shall provide the officer with an auto- mobile, with chauffeur, for his official use. ARTICLE 26. If replacement of the officer is made during the life of this Agreement or any extension thereof, the terms as stipulated in this Agreement shall also apply to the replacement officer, with the exception that the replacement officer shall receive an amount of annual compensation which shall be agreed upon by the two Govern- ments. ARTICLE 27. The Government of the Republic of Ecuador shall provide suitable medical attention for the officer and his family. In case the officer or any member of his family becomes ill or suffers injury, he or she shall be placed in such hospital as the officer deems suitable after consultation with the Ministry of National De- fense of the Republic of Ecuador. The officer shall in all cases pay the cost of subsistence incident to his hospitalization or that of a member of his family. ARTICLE 28. If the officer or any member of his family should die in the Republic of Ecuador during the period while this Agree- ment is in effect, the Government of the Republic of Ecuador shall have the body transported to such place in the United States of America as the family may decide, - porte y de viaje en la Repiiblica del Ecuador cuando se trate de - asuntos oficiales del Gobierno de la Republica del Ecuador, de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Articulo 12. ARTICULO 24. El Gobierno de Office space, etc. la Repuiblica del Ecuador propor- cionarht una oficina debidamente equipada para uso del oficial. ARTfCULO 25. El Gobierno de Provision of auto- mobile, etc. la Republica del Ecuador propor- cionarA al oficial un autom6vil, con ch6fer, para su uso oficial. ARTfCULO 26. Si se reemplaza Terms to apply to replacement officer; al oficial durante la vigencia de exception. este Acuerdo o de una pr6rroga del mismo, los terminos estipula- dos en este Acuerdo se aplicaran tambi6n al oficial reemplazante, con la excepci6n de que el oficial reemplazante recibira la remune- raci6n anual que convengan los dos Gobiernos. ARTfCULO 27. El Gobierno de Medical attention. la Republica del Ecuador propor- cionara atenci6n medica adecuada al oficial y a su familia. En caso de que cl oficial o cualql(iir Ilienm- bro de su familia S( enfernic o sufra lesioncs, se le hospitalizarl eni el hospital que el oficial considere adecuado despu6s de consultar con el Ministro de Defensa Nacional de la Republica del Ecuador. En todos los casos el oficial pagara los gastos de subsistencia relacionados con su hospitalizaci6n o la de cual- quier miembro de su familia. ARTfCULO 28. Si el oficial o Transportation of remains in case of cualquier miembro de su familia death. falleciere en la Republica del Ecuador durante el periodo en que este Acuerdo este en vigencia, el Gobierno de la Republica del Ecuador hara trasladar los restos hasta el lugar de los Estados Uni- dos que determine la familia, pero