Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/1081

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War Mobilization, Office of: Appropriation for --------- _-----____ Surplus Property Board, establishment, etc -------------------- .. ... .. Termination --. ._..__ _____ ____ _____ War Mobilization and Reconversion, Of- fice of: Contract Settlement, Office of- Appropriation for-------_-- ____-__ Establishment, etc

_-___-__. Placement within Office of War Mobi- lization and Reconversion _____ Establishment, etc -------------- _-__ Penalty mail costs, appropriation for -- War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944 ------------------------- Advisory Board, creation, composition, etc-- - __-- -

_- -_-- --- --- - Appropriations authorized ----------- Armed forces, restriction on retention of personnel in----------------- _ - Attorney General, surveys of economic factors------------------------- Contract Settlement, Office of, place- ment within Office of War Mobili- zation and Reconversion -------- Definitions------------------------ Demobilization and reconversion poli- cies---------------------------- Government agencies, plans and pro- cedures for transition from war to peace-------------------------- Prior orders, etc., continuance in force-- Production for nonwar use ----------- Public works, loans or advances to States, etc --------------------- Retraining and Reemployment Adminis- tration- Administration created by Executive order- Placement within Office of War Mobilization and Reconver- sion --------------------- Termination-------------------- Establishment, etc., of new Adminis- tration --------------------- Saving clause ----------------------- Small plant participation __---------- Social Security Act, amendments------ State unemployment funds, advances to----------------------------- Surplus War Property Administration- Placement within Office of War Mo- bilization and Reconversion - - - Termination __ -- ----- ----- ----- Termination of Act ---------------- Veterans, retraining and reemployment of---------------------------- War contract terminations ---------- Page 541 768 792 856 651 785 785 874 785 786 792 787 788 785 791 787 785 792 787 791 785 792 788 792 788 789 789 785 792 792 788 787 War Mobilization and Reconversion Act Page of 1944-Continued. War Mobilization, Office of, termina- tion _-----------------------_ 792 War Mobilization and Reconversion, Office of, establishment, composi- tion, etc ----------------------- 785 War production, curtailments of------- 787 War Mobilization Committee, approval re- quired for procurement outside U. S . by Foreign Economic Administration_ 631 War Overtime Pay Act of 1943: Amendment, additional pay in lieu of overtime pay in certain cases ------ 758 Appropriations for pay increases author- ized --------- _---------------- 163 War Powers Act, Second, 1942, Amend- ments: Priorities, jurisdiction to enjoin suspen- sion orders, etc.; time limit; venue and jurisdiction----------------- 827 Time extensions of designated provi- sions-------------------------- 827 War Prizes, capture by U. S.; jurisdic- tion, etc ------------------------- 678 War Production, reconversion policies - - 787 War Production Board: Appropriation for------------------- 541 Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for----------------------- 874 Smaller War Plants Corporation- Administrative expenses, funds avail- able for---------------------- 541 Capital stock- Appropriation to make payment for------------------------ 871 Increase----------------------- 799 Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for ----------------- 874 Production for nonwar use, protection of small business-------------- 788 Surplus property, cooperation in dis- position of------------------- 773 War contracts, assistance in termina- tion of ---------------------- 669 Strategic minerals and metals, determi- nation of sufficiency of supplies --- 776 Travel expenses on change of station___ 541 War Public Works: Appropriation for ---------------- 153, 857 Restriction on use of funds --- ------ 153, 858 War Refugee Board: Appropriation for------------------ 855 Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for------------------------ 873 War Relief, Foreign, appropriation con- tinued available------------------- 599 War Relief Control Board, President's, appropriation for------------------ 397 INDEX CXXIX