Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/987

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INDEX District of Columbia-Continued. Page Miscellaneous trust-fund deposits, ex- penses payable from------------- 531 Motor Vehicle Parking Facility Act of 1942, amendments-------------- 808 Municipal Architect, Office of- Appropriation for -------------- 174, 523 Public schools, capital outlay, credit of funds for ---------------- 514, 860 Municipal buildings, use of school funds for repairs to------------------- 513 Municipal Lodging House, appropria- tion for--------------------- 175,521 National Capital Park and Planning Commission- Appropriation for ----------- 175, 530, 604 Motor vehicle parking facilities, re- port to Commissioners __ -- -- - -- 808 Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for----------------- 875 National Capital parks- Appropriation for- - 155, 171, 175, 502, 529 Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for------------------ 875 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, appro- priation to aid in support of------ 510 National Guard, appropriation for -- 529 National Library for the Blind, appro- priation for--------------------- 521 National Memorial Stadium, establish- ment of commission to consider site and design--------------------- 844 National Safety Council, Inc., appro- priation for affiliation with ------ 510 National Training School for Boys, appropriation for ------------- 521, 605 National Training School for Girls- Appropriation for -------------- 175, 521 Land, acquisition of, near Laurel, Md_ 521 Superintendent, salary rate -------- 521 Temporary buildings, construction of, reappropriation and availability of funds ---------------------- 52 White inmates, restriction on use of funds for--------------------- 521 Notaries public- Appointment, license fee, etc------- 81C Appropriation authorized ---------- 811 Certificates of commissioners, sign- ing of--------------------- 811 Oath and bond------------------- 811 Present appointees, status of ------ 81] Officers, suspension of --------------- 821 Overthrow of U. S. Government, re- striction on employment of persons advocating-------------------- 532 Overtime or other pay increases- Appropriation for --------------- - 17 A- .. r.riatinnn avfilabilitv of .- - -- 531 )istrict of Columbia-Continued. Page Park Police, temporary pay increases, extension--------------------- - 115 Parking meter fees, deposit of -------- 526 Parking spaces for Members of Congress_ 526 Parks, Federal, appropriation for---- 171, 502 Pay increases, temporary, for certain employees, extension------------- 115 Penalty mail costs, appropriations avail- able for --------------------- 875 "Penny milk" program for school chil- dren-------------------------- - 521 Phyllis Wheatley Young Women's Chris- tian Association, transfer of certain assets to, authorized ------------ 815 Pipe lines- Permits for, granting of------------ 821 Petroleum products, permission for construction of tunnel --------- 924 Pneumatic tube system, permission for construction--------------- 20 Steam-heating purposes, permission for construction--------------- 3 Policemen's and firemen's relief, appro- priation for----------------- 155, 517 Poundmaster, Office of, appropriation for------------------------ 174, 512 Printing and binding, appropriation for------------------------ 155, 604 Public-convenience stations, appropria- tion for------------------------ 154 Public Library- Appropriation for-------------- 174, 515 Cleveland Park branch, acceptance of voluntary contributions; vesting of title---------------------- 515 Public property, naming or renaming of_ 821 Public schools- Administration, appropriation for - 175, 512 Auxiliary educational services, appro- priation for----------- ------ 613 Buildings- Construction, appropriation for 513, 860 Furnishing and equipping, fund continued available --------- 513 Maintenance, etc., appropriation for----------------- 175, 512, 513 Plans and specifications, appropria- tion for preparation, etc- 513, 514, 860 Purchase of, appropriation for --- 514 Capital outlay, appropriation for__ 513, 860 Equipment, appropriation for mainte- nance, etc------------- 175, 512, 513 Exit requirements, buildings ------- 515 Grounds, appropriation for permanent improvement of-------------- 513 Operating expenses, appropriation for---------------------- 175,512 Playground sites, appropriation for-- 514 XXXV O~t~V ~t·U·VVY ~rI··- ^ -- -- ·