Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/720

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INDEX Congress-Continued. Page Philippine Islands, provision for na- tional elections in ---------------- 608 Reorganization Act of 1945, Congres- sional procedure under------------ 617 Reports to be submitted to, by/on- Agriculture, Department of, adminis- tration of grants and coordina- tion of research with States -- _ -- 143 Alaska Communication System, im- provements, etc -------------- 40 Alien Property Custodian, expenses_ 474 Budget, Bureau of- Limitations on certain expendi- tures----------------------- 486 Personnel requirements of agen- cies, etc ------------------- 305 Civil Service Commission, establish- ment of rates for classes of posi- tions within grades .

299 District of Columbia, municipal build- ings, use of school funds for re- pairs to ---------------------- 275 Export-Import Bank of Washington, operations- _--_------------ -- 529 Forest-fire prevention, transfer of fundsfor--------------------- 353 General Accounting Office, audits of financial transactions of Govern- ment corporations --------- 6, 599, 600 Geological Survey, interchange of appropriations---------------- 345 Indian Affairs, Bureau of- Alaska, expenditures for relief of destitute in ----------------- 334 Boarding schools, nonreservation, interchange of funds--------- 333 Fire prevention, diversion of funds for------------------------ 326 Replacement of property destroyed by fire, etc., diversion of funds_ 325 Interior, Department of the, reclama- tion projects, special amendatory contracts--------------------- 76 Justice, Department of, employment of special attorneys ------------ 183 National Advisory Council on Inter- national Monetary and Finan- cial Problems, participation of U. S . in and operations of Inter- national Monetary Fund and In- ternational Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development --------- 513 National Archives, disposal of Gov- ernment records--------------- 434 National Housing Agency, transfer of funds-------.---.--------- 122 National Park Service, transfer of funds--------------------- 353 Congress-Continued. Page Reports to be submitted to, by/on- Continued. Navy Department- Public-works projects, acquisition of land--------------------- 10 Settlement of certain claims------ 596 Panama Canal, Governor of, means of increasing capacity and security of Canal -------------------- 663 President of U. S., United Nations activities and United States par- ticipation--____-__---------- 620 Price Administration, Office of, appro- priations and contract authoriza- tions-----__------------------ 416 Rivers and harbors and flood-control, employment of personnel by War Department------------------ 40 State, Department of- Commissary service in foreign coun- tries, receipts and expenditures 174 Foreign Service, post allowances 102, 104 Sale of property in foreign countries- 53 Treasury Department- Internal-revenue collections, re- funds in excess of $500 ------ 62 Replacement of losses in connection with redemption of savings bonds-------------------- 48 United States Naval Academy Cen- tennial Commission, plans and recommendations-------------- 135 War Department- Appropriations and contract au- thorizations---------------- 407 Engineers, Corps of, navigation and flood-control projects ------- 10 Regular Army, certain enlistments and reenlistments ---------- 539 War Food Administration, liquidation of Federal rural rehabilitation projects --------------------- 160 Seventy-ninth, second session, date of beginning ___ ----- ----- ----- --- 668 United Nations, designation of Senators and Representatives to General Assembly, compensation restriction 619 United Nations Relief and Rehabilita- tion Administration, recommenda- tions with respect to----------- 609, 612 Congressional Cemetery, D. C ., appropria- tion for maintenance of portion owned by U. S---------------------- 39 Congressional Directory, appropriation for compiling, etc -------------------- 250 Congressional Library. See Library of Congress. XXIII