Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/777

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INDEX Navy Department-Continued. Page Secretary, Office of- Appropriation for ------- 86, 202, 218, 426 Damage claims, appropriation for_- 86 Ships, Bureau of- Maintenance- Appropriation for ------------- 87, 205 Availability of appropriations----- 426 Salaries, appropriation for---------- 218 Shore establishments, permanent type of construction; restriction ------ 87, 211 Southern California Telephone Com- pany, lease of certain land author- ized--_------------------------ 8 Specialists, funds available for employ- ment ------------------------ 221 State, Department of, reimbursement by, for materials, services, etc -- -- 174 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau of- Fuel and transportation, appropria- tion for --------------- 87, 210,426 Maintenance, appropriation for_ 87, 209, 426 Merchant vessels, defense installations on, transfer of funds from appro- priation---------------------- 426 Naval Procurement Fund, accounting procedure ------------------- 210 Pay and subsistence, appropriation for -------------------- 207, 426 Salaries, appropriation for --------- 218 Transfer of funds------------------ 426 Transportation of things, appropria- tion for-------------------- 87, 210 Transfer of funds---------------- 87 Time-measuring devices, restriction on use --------------------------- 219 Trade agreements, information and advice respecting -------------- 411 Transfer of funds----------------- 87 Transportation and recruiting, appro- priation for-------------------- 208 Transportation of personnel, use of funds for----------------------- 221 Veterans, boards of review, retirement of officers ---------------------- 623 Veterans' Administration- Naval hospitals, patients in, addi- tional medical detail for care of- 208 Transfer of funds from ------- _-- -- 128 Water and refrigeration, funds avail- able for ----------------------- 222 Yards and Docks, Bureau of- Maintenance- Appropriation for -------------- 211 Limitation increased ---------- _-- 87 Public works- Appropriation for -------- _------ 211 Contract authorization; restric- tions------_- --- ---- ---- --_ 87 Salaries, appropriation for ---------- 218 Navy Nurse Corps, pay and allowances; Page dependents; disability retirement_ 594, 595 Neale Creek, Md., examination and survey authorized __ -- --- -- --- --- -- --- --- - 27 Near East, appropriation for cultural re- lations program with-------------- 179 Nebraska: Indians- Santee, acquisition of land, appro- priation for ------------------ 325 Support, etc., appropriation for ------ 325 North Platte project, appropriation for_ 339 Preliminary examinations and surveys of rivers, etc., authorized ---------- 31 Neches River, Tex., examination, improve- ment, etc., authorized ------------- 18, 31 Needles, Calif., e xpenditures for Colorado River protection works ----------- 343 Nehalem Bay and River, examination and survey authorized ---------------- 33 Nelscott, Oreg. , beach protection, exam - ination and survey authorized ------- 32 Neponset River, Mass., improvement au- thorized ---- __------------------ - 12 Neponsit Beach Hospital, availability of designated appropriation for repair, etc------------------------------ 636 Netherlands and United States, arbitra- tion of claim, appropriation for ------- 428 Neuse River, N. C ., improvement au- thorized - _------------------------ 15 Neutrality Act, appropriation for ex- penses of execution-------_ _ -- __ - --- - 170 Neva Strait, Alaska, examination and survey authorized ------------------ 33 Nevada: Boulder Dam National Recreational Area, appropriation for - -- _____ 352, 649 Davis Dam project- Appropriation for ------------------ 647 Davis-Parker substation and trans- mission line, funds available for_ _ 342 District court, terms of --------------- 582 Indians- Irrigation projects, appropriation for_ 328 , 331 Paiute lands, reclamation charges against, appropriation for ------- 329 Support, etc., appropriation for - --- 332 New Bedford Harbor, Mass., examina- tion and survey authorized ---------- 25 New Haven Harbor, Conn., improvement authorized ----------------------- 13 New Jersey: Beach Haven, Borough of, Ocean County, payment to ----------- _ 530 Intracoastal Waterway, improvement authorized-------------

13 Navigation and flood-control projects authorized-_---_-------------_ 13. 14 LXXX