Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/294

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-ISANITARY MARITIME NAVIGATION-JAN. 5,1945 above-mentioned other communi- cable diseases. ARTICLE V In Article 3 the word "Paris" in the second paragraph shall be deleted and the words "London or Washington" shall be sub- stituted. To Article 3 the following shall be added: In order to facilitate the prompt and scrupulous fulfilment of the foregoing provisions, the Contract- ing Parties shall ensure priority for all communications which may enableUNRRA rapidly to appraise the situation concerning the out- break of a disease and to inform governments in order that they may take appropriate measures against the spread of the disease across their frontiers. compl6etes par la presente Con- vention, s'appliquent aux susdites autres maladies contagieuses, A moins qu'elles ne soient nettement inapplicables. ARTICLE V Dans l'Article 3, paragraphe 2, le mot "Paris" est supprim6 et les mots "Londres ou Washington" y sont substitu6s. A l'Article 3 ajouter ce qui suit: Afin de faciliter le prompt et scrupuleux accomplissement des dispositions prec6dentes, les Par- ties Contractantes accorderont priorite A toutes communications susceptibles de permettre A 1'UNRRA de juger rapidement la situation resultant de l'apparition d'une de ces maladies et d'informer les gouvernements afin qu'ils puis- sent prendre les mesures n6ces- saires pour combattre la propaga- tion de la maladie A travers leurs frontieres. ARTICLE VI ARTICLE VI After Article 5 the following Apres l'Article 5, ins6rer ce qui 4 s tat.256 7 . shall be inserted: suit: Article 5A. In addition to carry- ing out the system of notification and intelligence prescribed in Part I, Chapter I of the 1926 Convention, which remains in full force, the Parties to the present Convention shall transmit prompt- ly to UNRRA the notifications and other information prescribed in Part I of the 1926 Convention. Article SB (1). In addition to the formal notification required above, the Contracting Parties shall, so far as possible, send to the Health Organization of UNRRA at regular intervals noti- Article 5A. En outre, tout en appliquant le systeme de notifica- tion et d'information prescrit dans la Partie I, Chapitre I, de la Con- vention de 1926, qui reste pleine- ment en vigueur, les Parties A la presente Convention devront transmettre sans delai 1l'UNRRA les notifications et autres rensei- gnements prevus dans la Partie I de la Convention de 1926. Article 5B (1). Outre la noti- fication formelle exigee ci-dessus, les Parties Contractantes devront, autant que possible, adresser periodiquement A l'Organisation d'Hygiene de 1'UNRRA des noti- 45 Stat. 2556. Priority for com- munications. 959