Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/304

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SANITARY MARITIME NAVIGATION-JAN. 5,1945 ARTICLE XXV The Government of the United States of America shall give notice in writing to governments parties to the 1926 Convention and to governments parties to the present Convention, of all signatures and accessions to the present Conven- tion and of all notifications re- garding the territories to which the present Convention is to be applied. ARTICLE XXVI The present Convention shall remain in force as to each Con- tracting Party until either (1) such Party shall become

  • bound by a further con-

vention amending or super- seding the 1926 Convention, or (2) the expiration of eighteen months from the date on which the present Conven- tion enters into force, whichever shall be the earlier. ARTICLE XXVII The original of the present Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America and shall be opened for signature at Washington on December 15, 1944, where it shall remain open for signature until January 15, 1945. Certified copies hereof shall be furnished by the Government of the United States of America to each of the governments on behalf of which this Convention is signed or acceded to and to each of the governments parties to the 1926 Convention. ARTICLE XXV Le Gouvernement des Etats- Unis d'Amerique informera par 6crit les gouvernements parties a la Convention de 1926, ainsi que les gouvernements parties a la pr4sente Convention, de toutes signatures et adhesions A la pre sente Convention, ainsi que de toutes notifications concernant les territoires auxquels la presente Convention est rendue applicable. ARTICLE XXVI La prssente Convention demeu- rera en vigueur pour chaque Par- tie Contractante jusqu'A ce que (1) cette Partie se trouve liee par une convention ulte- rieure modifiant ou rem- placant la Convention de 1926, ou que (2) une periode de 18 mois se soit ecoulee a dater du jour oi la presente Convention entrera en vigueur, selon que l'une ou l'autre circons- tance so produira la premiere. ARTICLE XXVII Le texte original de la pr6sente Convention sera depose aux ar- chives du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et sera ouvert a la signature, le 15 de- cembre 1944, a Washington, oi il demeurera ouvert A la signature jusqu'au 15 janvier 1945. Des copies certifiees conformes en se- ront fournies par le Gouverne- ment des Etats-Unis d'Amerique a chacun des gouvernements par lesquels cette Convention aura ete acceptee, par voie de signature ou d'adhesion, ainsi qu'a chacun des gouvernements parties A la Con- vention de 1926. 66847--47--PT. II- - -19 U. S . Government to notify parties of signatures, etc. Duration. Deposit of original. 45 Stat. 2492 969