Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/332

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998 TREA (5) The Contracting Parties shall make the necessary arrange- ments with UNRRA for giving prompt information to all the governments concerned of the out- break in any country of a disease which, in the opinion of UNRRA, constitutes a menace to other countries and of the measures which are being taken to prevent the spread of the disease across frontiers by aircraft. lomticiaions, to d- (6) The notifications contem- plated in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article are to be addressed to the diplomatic missions, or, failing them, to consular offices in the capital of the infected country and shall be held at the disposition of consular offices established in its territory. NotiiRtion to (7) These notifications shall also be addressed to UNRRA which shall communicate them imme- diately to all diplomatic missions, or, failing them, to the consulates in London or Washington as well as to the principal public health authorities of the participating countries. Those prescribed un- der paragraphs (1) and (2) of this Article shall be transmitted by telegraph or radio. (8) The appropriate health au- thority of each Contracting Party shall transmit to the sanitary and authorized aerodromes of its coun- try or within its jurisdiction all information contained in the epi- de miological notifications and com- munications received from UNRRA (and the regional bureaus with which it has made agree- ments for this purpose) in execu- tion of the provisions of the International Sanitary Convention 45 stat. 249 of June 21, 1926 which may affect MTIES [59 STAT. (5) Les Parties Contractantes feront avec I'UNRRA les arrange- ments n6cessaires pour tenir rapi- dement informes tous les gou- vernements int6resses de 1'appari- tion dans leur pays respectif d'une maladie qui, de l'avis de l'UNRRA, constitue un danger pour d'autres pays, ainsi que des mesures en cours d'execution pour en em- pacher l'extension par a6ronef a travers les frontieres. (6) Les notifications envisagees dans les paragraphes (1) et (2) du present Article devront 6tre adres- sees aux missions diplomatiques ou, Aleur d6faut, aux bureaux con- sulaires 6tablis dans la capitale du pays infect6, et seront mises a la disposition des bureaux consulaires etablis sur son territoire. (7) Ces notifications seront ega- lement adressees a 1'UNRRA, qui les communiquera immediatement a toutes les missions diplomatiques ou, a leur defaut, aux consulats A Londres ou a Washington, ainsi qu'aux principales autorites sani- taires des pays participant a la Convention. Les notifications prescrites par les paragraphes (1) et (2) du present Article devront 8tre adressees par telegramme ou radio. (8) L'autorite sanitaire appro- priee de chaque Partie Contrac- tante transmettra aux a6rodromes sanitaires et autoris6s, situes sur le territoire ou relevant de la juridiction de la Partie Contrac- tante, toutes les informations con- tenues dans les notifications epi- demiologiques et les communica- tions recues de 1'UNRRA (ainsi que des bureaux regionaux avec lesquels des accords ont ete con- clus a cet effet), en execution des dispositions de la Convention sani-