Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/546

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that the utilization of these waters el aprovechamiento de esas aguas for other purposes is desirable in en otros usos y consumos y the interest of both countries, and deseando, por otra parte, fijar y desiring, moreover, to fix and de- delimitar claramente los derechos limit the rights of the two coun- de las dos Repiblicas sobre los tries with respect to the waters of rios Colorado y Tijuana y sobre the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers, el rio Bravo (Grande), de Fort and of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) Quitman, Texas, Estados Unidos from Fort Quitman, Texas, United de America, al Golfo de Mexico, States of America, to the Gulf of a fin de obtener su utilizaci6n mas Mexico, in order to obtain the completa y satisfactoria, han re- most complete and satisfactory suelto celebrar un tratado y, a] utilization thereof, have resolved efecto, han nombrado como sus to conclude a treaty and for this plenipotenciarios: purpose have named as their plenipotentiaries: Plenipotentiaries. The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados States of America: Unidos de America: Cordell Hull, Secretary of State Al Sefior Cordell Hull, Secre- of the United States of America, tario de Estado de los Estados George S. Messersmith, Ambassa- Unidos de America, al Sefior dorExtraordinary and Plenipoten- George S. Messersmith, Embaja- tiary of the United States of dor Extraordinario y Plenipoten- America in Mexico, and Lawrence ciario de los Estados Unidos de M. Lawson, United States Cor- America en Mexico, y al Sefor missioner, International Boundary Ingeniero Lawrence M. Lawson, Commission, United States and Comisionado de los Estados Uni- Mexico; and dos en la Comisi6n Internacional de Limites entre los Estados Uni- dos y Mexico;y The President of the United El Presidente de los Estados Mexican States: Unidos Mexicanos: Francisco Castillo Najera, Am- Al Sefior Dr. Francisco Castillo bassador Extraordinary and Plen- Najera, Embajador Extraordinario ipotentiary of the United Mexican y Plenipotenciario de los Estados States in Washington, and Rafael Unidos Mexicanos en Washington, Fernandez MacGregor, Mexican y al Sefior Ingeniero Rafael Fer- Commissioner, International nAndez MacGregor, Comisionado Boundary Commission, United Mexicano en la Comisi6n Inter- States and Mexico; who, having nacional de Limites entre los communicated to each other their Estados Unidos y Mexico; quienes, respective Full Powers and having despues de haberse comunicado found them in good and due form, sus respectivos Plenos Poderes y have agreed upon the following: haberlos encontrado en buena y debida forma, convienen en lo siguiente: 1220 TREATIES [59 STAT.