Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/551

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59 STAT.] MEXICO-WATER UTILIZATION- Fe Nb 3, 1944 borne equally by the two Govern- tos por mitad por ambos Gobier- ments. ARTICLE 3 In matters in which the Com- mission may be called upon to make provision for the joint use of international waters, the follow- ing order of preferences shall serve as a guide: 1. Domestic and municipal uses. 2. Agriculture and stock- raising. 3. Electric power. 4. Other industrial uses. 5. Navigation. 6. Fishing and hunting. 7. Any other beneficial uses which may be determined by the Commission. All of the foregoing uses shall be subject to any sanitary meas- ures or works which may be mutually agreed upon by the two Governments, which hereby agree to give preferential attention to the solution of all border sanita- tion problems. II-RIO GRANDE (RIO BRAVO) ARTICLE 4 The waters of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) between Fort Quit- man, Texas and the Gulf of Mex- ico are hereby allotted to the two countries in the following manner: A. To Mexico: (a) All of the waters reaching the main channel of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) from the San Juan and Alamo Rivers, including the return flow from the lands irrigated from the latter two rivers. (b) One-half of the flow in the main channel of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) below the lowest major international stor- age dam, so far as said flow is 66347--47-PT. II 35 nos. ARTICULO 3 En los asuntos referentes al uso comun de las aguas internacio- nales, acerca de los cuales deba resolver la Comisi6n, servira de guia el siguiente orden de pre- ferencias: 1°.- Usos dom6sticos y munici- pales. 2°. - Agricultura y ganaderia. 3°. - Energia el6ctrica. 40. - Otros usos industriales. 5°. - Navegaci6n. 6°. - Pesca y caza. 7°. - Cualesquiera otros usos beneficos determinados por la Comisi6n. Todos los usos anteriores esta- rAn sujetos a las medidas y obras sanitarias que convengan de comun acuerdo los dos Gobiernos, los cuales se obligan a resolver preferentemente los problemas fronterizos de saneamiento. II- RIO BRAVO (GRANDE) ARTICULO 4 Las aguas del rio Bravo (Grande) entre Fort Quitman, Texas, y el Golfo de M6xico se asignan a los dos pafses de la siguiente manera: A.- A M6xico: a) La totalidad de las aguas que lleguen a la corriente princi- pal del rio Bravo (Grande), de los rios San Juan y Alamo; com- prendiendo los retornos pro- cedentes de los terrenos que rieguen estos dos iltimos rios. b) La mitad del escurrimien- to del cauce principal del rio Bravo (Grande) abajo de la presa inferior principal interna- cional de alamacenamiento, si- 1225 Order of preferences for use of international waters. Rio Grande. Allotmentof waters. To Mexico.