Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1047

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INDEX. 947 Bounty Land. Census. Warrants for bounty lands to issue to Joshua, Claims of Ferrer and others, for taking ur Carmen, Reuben Hickma.n, and Fielding account of munufactories in South Carc- B I-Iieknaaunh f- P I - W- I - 2 (1278 lina, to be paid, .-·· 172 oun an o e er cose , ves e m . Smgh Vemlblci _ , X _ 349 Ccrtyicalcs of Loan and Stock. Duplicate military land warrants to be issued J¤h¤ Dixon und John Murray to be puid for to Thomas Flowers and others, - 374 lost verlificutes, ··-- 117 A bounty land warrant to issue to William Benjimill W»Cr0W¤in¤bl¤ld to have certain Jncockg, . 4()5 certificates of stock renewed, - - 142 Daniel M’DuiT uuthm-ized to locate his wm-. Farringten Barkclow to be paid for ccrti6· mnt for bounty land in Jucksuu county, ¤¤·W¤ of SMR 109*1 ·-·— 146 Alabama, . 4[5 William Arnold to be paid for certificates of A military bounty land warrant to issue to ¤€0¤k l05i, · · - - - 146 the widow of George Ludlam, . 565Th¤{¤¤¤ Lcipcr to be paid the value of cer. A military bounty land warramt to issue to . Wm WUI 0m¤¤ ¤6!‘¢i&¢¤·¢¢¤, with i¤¢¤l’¤lf. the representatives of Leonard Holly, und I 252 ,_ warrant to Amo; w_ Brown, , 59] _ Payment of n Hnul ceztiiicate granted to The provisions of me ae: of May 22, 1826, ¤=m¤¤; M’Cl¤¤g. w iw nude tv hi¤ r¤pr¤- chap. 147, extended to William Enos, of ¤¢¤\¤·¤V¤¤. ----- 284 Arkangggl , 584 The representatives of Patience Gordon to be seven military haunt land wmzmu w be; wid for ¤ certificate of loan. - - 378 iuucd to Elimbcghikucg and Others, 329 ! Exceutors of Doctor Robert lehnson to be A bounty lund warrant to issue to John p91d for t|¤rc¤_l¤=m office certificates, 392 M•(;g,mi,_ A Soldier in the 1;,;;, wm-I 905 Claim of the heirs, §¤c.0f William Falconer, A bounty land wm-mm, to bg issued to the [ for loan office certnficntes alleged to be lost, heirs of Ebenezer Moore, - - 924 l t° be Settled- " , ' 439 Cel-min bounty land wmzmt to be given to I J<>h¤ Mciiitt to bq prnd the value of a conu- Mnry M. Telfair, for bounty lands due to y “¤¤t¤l IOM! ¤¤\‘¤$¢¤€¢. - -_ - 433 Tobias Briggs and Isaac Curtis, · 931 l The account of Ann D. Baylor, widow of the B 1- G mmm °“**£°“w°L°§§‘ BW" f3' ".}°““ °T§$ TGI! wil 07-* · cern ea , sett e an pei , Payment to M. S. Gordon and others of John Scott, executor of Charles Yate , to be money received from the Brazilian govern- paid the interest on n. certiticute of loan, 440 m°”t• ' 599 g Certweatcs of Stack last, Qc. Bridge at I·Im·per’a Ferry. l Lucien Harper to be paid the value of e cer. The Shenandoah Bridge Company guthm-izedtilicatc of loan issued by Francis Hopkin. to build e bridge at Hnrpcfs Ferry, 848 _ |°¤» —·-- _- · 457 t John Berléwood 'Ignylor to be pcud the specie C, ·a ,; ,_ ImM;,_ value o acerti cate, with interest, 507 Miemcgiifg of me inimbaime of the vmag. G¤¤rgfs= Gm ¤“¤w·==<* ¤¤¤¤i¤ ·=¤¤¤¤¤;g{ °f C"*‘°*‘*“ °°““”""°d• ‘ ‘ ‘ 242 Jo;: Peel? $$1:2 ima intereet en Lama;. nm Captured Property. · J gettlgment ce(;·t1l:ice.tes, . { Pi 1. b 524 Ri ht of the United States to ro rt ee .F ° “ '“‘P°* “ m'"‘°Y"t°' ° 'i 'P , '““h• gurcd by John Cuhoone and otserxeiueg, Pud fm- °' ccmncau °f r°v°l"u°n;;g Right of the United States to property gui: The vialue of loan. office certificates to be turcd by David Porter and other;. relcuiqgt  ;‘;*;s:3°$;2d'£¤1¢;¢<;;££°cx¢:>ful;>rs 3i1J12h? 4 , e x re one n- Donation to Nathaniel Scnvy and others for} °°“°r’ ’ T'.574 capture of property from the enemy, 191 The .:i°pl:°F°n§“Fw°° °f S°‘m;;°l G'bl€6t°tb° Peter Kindaill to be allowed for merchandise I Pm t mr ° mm °° mm ° cc cu °°'5?a ·re;Yi;u§i;:g¤t::aE;iLit’ig; QM pI,, I T*¤5r;:g*;;:;jg;<; gg gsydiing gy; ug: rt ca turcd ut ampton, - - 19 . l B Cog; tgkcnpby General Harrison for the army, q T}}"" omui °°m6:;u'e:' cgrhiui 572 belonging to WVillia.m Wells, to be paid for, , S122y3B zscgrminednmgg P;?:i°?° 95 George Buckmnstcr to be paid for whale- ~ Gem-gc Hmlbun °°°` 674 b0¤l»S. ------ 195 l Change if Name. The owners of the ship Alleghuny to be paid I Name of Lewis Grant changed to Lewis for hcr, she having been captured when in { Gram Davidson_ _ _ _ 97 llne service of the United States, - 441 The mime, of wiuilm B_ Finch ud Elia Elisha. Ives so be pmd for property captured l beth B_ Finch, changed to william Comp ··* S=·¤k·2¤ S H¤·b·>··$ bv me ~=s·¤¤·y· 442; mn Bolton and Elizabeth nom., . me Robert Kmnc to be paid for equipments cup. I _ tured by the enemy, · · - 493 Ch”°k“ I"'l“m°‘ Witford Gill to be paid for ai bout captured I Pa ment for improvements surrendered by by the enemy, -... 559 . ghcrokee Indians, - · · · 69