Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1098

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ALPHABETICAL LIST. 999 Fayetteville, Arkansas, 567 { Frazer, Solomon, 151 Falconer, Joseph, 430 ’ French, Thomas, and another, 223 Fairbanks, Erastus, and others, 749 i Fridge, Alexander, 432 Farmer, Robert, 761 Fraser, Angus O., and others, 249 Faunce, John W., and another, 807 l Fry and Spalding, 308 Fariow, Huldah, 835 l Frothingham, Joshua P., 546 Fabre, William, 888 I Franzoni, Guiscppe, 620 Farrington, March, 941 Frasier, Charles M., 642 F errcll, John, 328 F ritters, Traverse, 656 Female Orphan Asylum, of Georgetown, 381, 492 Frazar, George, 699 Ferguson, Wiiliani B., 750 Firemerfs Insurance Company of the District of Fenner, Jornh, 693 Columbia, 694 Fenwick, Michael, 66], 759 Franklin Insurance Company, 704 Fessenden, Isaac, 841 France, treaty with, 700 Ferguson, Benjamin B., 9l2 Francis, Miller, 727 Ferguson and Reid, 919 Frisby, Richard, 743 Fielding, Daniel, 360 Frey, Frederick, 758 Fire ut Norfolk, 53 Francher, James, 803 Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria, 129 Franklin, Benjamin, 829 Fire at Savannah, 241 Freelove, David, 866 Finney, Elkanah, and others, 244 Fry, Henry, 870 Finch, Isaac, 263 Fraser, John, and another, 919 F irmcm, Joseph, and others, 308 Fife, James, a Creek Indian, 592 Fisher, George, 316 Fisk, James, 44] G1 Fitzgerald, Aaron, 451 Gazzam, Taylor, and others, 37 Fitzgerald, Thomas, 45 Galliapolis, 59 Fire at Portsmouth, 49, 63 Gates, Darius, 72 Finch, William Bolton, 528 Gardner, Jared, 78 Fisher, Coleman, 561 Garrard, William, 109 Fitzgerald Aaron, 593 Garsed, Joshua, 270 Fisher, Cyrus, 607 Garden, Alexander, 380 Findlay, William, 621 Gasney, Peter, 429 Fire Insurance Company of Alexandria, 627 Gaines, William D., and others, 519 Fisher, Silas, a Choctaw Indian, 633 Gatos, Gertrude, 521 Findly, Dr. J. E. B., and others, 661 Gamble, Archibald, 529 Fire Companies of the District of Columbia, 687 Gaston, Joseph, of South Carolina, 549 Fisher, Andrew, 802 Gardner, Peregrine, 556 Flinn, Thomas, 57 Gatlin, Stephen, 611 Flood, William, 163 Gay, Orris, 636 Floyd, Davis, 341, 347 Gamble, John M., 675 Flzmujac, Garrigues, 559 Gardner, Francis, 705 Flournoy, Alfred, 358 Gale, Isaac, 727 Florida Indians, 354 Gannett, Deborah, 735 Flournoy, Thomas, 370 Gayle, George W., 776 Flaget, Benedict J., 484 Gale, William, 895 Floumoy, Matthews, and others, 529 G€0Fg€i0W1'1 Lf¤‘·0¤St€1‘ School, 105 Fleming, John S., 562 Georgetown College, 152, 538, 912 Flint, Jonathan, 658 Girault, John, 269 Fleming, J. A., 726 Georgetown, 280 Florida Militia, 760 General Jackson, ship, 299 Fowler, Theodosius, 47 Gentry, William, of Missouri, 377 Fox, Edward, 240 Gucdry, Pedro, 526 Forbes, J ol,,, M__ 159 Georgetown Free School and Orphan Asylum of Fountain, Garrett, 292 the District of Columbia., 538 Ford, Sophia, B., und others, 285 General Armstrong, private armed brig, 603 Foreman, Robert S., 308 Gerodell, John, 609 Forrest, Joseph, 323 Georgetown Corporation, 683, 937 Ford, .Io,,;,1l,:m W., 373 Georgiu Railrwd wd B¤¤ki¤E Oompa")', 734 Foltz, Joshua, 401 GW, HWFY, 857 K Ford, Peter, 405 Gcescy, Valentine, 914 Fort Delaware, 512 GibS0¤, GBOTQB, 10 F ostcr, Ezekiel, 602 Gibbs, G901`g€, 19 Foxwo;—tl,y, Wjlllllm, 65] Gist, Captain Henry, and another, 211 Ford, William, 774 Gibson, James, of Vincennes, and another, 341 Folsom, Joseph R., 777 Gibson, Edward R., and another, 362 Forrest, Andrew, S70 GMES, Aquila, 230 Foote, Gervis, 916 Gilmore, David, 323 Foster, Lathrop, 922 Gilbert, Marinus W., 379, 62], 622 Fmnk, John, 32 Gilbert, Ephraim F., 440 Fméland, Benjamin, 385 Gil`0d, JOIN! F-, 519