Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/910

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810 TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C1-1. 87 ,88, 89, 90,91. 1840. Snrums I. July go, ]840_ C1-nm. LXXXVII.-·.ln dat granting a section qt for the use of schools in St. ——————-————-— Clair county, stale ey Illinois. Be it enacted, rfc., That one section of the public lands subject to _A¤¤ther scc- private entry and sale in the state of Illinois, be located for the use and

‘;’;£nbf,;g‘°f benefit of schools for the inhabitants of township one north, range ten

,;,8 16th_ west of the thirdprincipal meridian, in said state, in lieu of the sixteenth section, which has been appropriated by the Government for the use of private claims. By whom to Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That any person appointed by i*° 1°°*'°d· the county commissioners' court of the county of St. Clair, in the state of Illinois, be, and he is hereby, authorized to locate the said section named in this act for the purposes above-named. Approved, July 20, 1840. Sruum I. ···—· July 20, 1840. Cnar. LXXXVHI.—An Alot for the reliq` of Captain John Downes. Be it enacted, c., That the Secretar of the Treasur be, and he . . . Y . Y . To be paid an IS hereby, authorized and directed to allow to Captain John Downes, in 3v';;?';";"';' d the settlement of his account, the sum of seven hundred and twenty- c},,;$gedi:,icl:,_° three dollars and sixty cents with which he stands charged twice in his account at the treasury department, and cause the said sum of seven hundred and twenty-three dollars and sixty cents to be paid to the said Captain John Downes out of any money remaining in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 20, 1840. Srnurs I. _ i' July 20, 1g4g_ Gnu. LXQIXIX. --An Act allowing further time to the Trustees of Centre 0c2L --—;——-— lelge to disp; of tllce land keretq}"0rc granted to the Deny' and Dumb dsylum, in t estate 0 entuc y. Be it enacted, &c., That the further time of two years, from and after Further time the fifth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and forty, be, and §¤¤‘£¤¢;1¤i¤le af the same is hereby, allowed to the trustees of Centre College, at Dan- ‘“‘ °“° ‘ vgle, ip) the stiate olf lhengicxryi to disposedof the lands heretofore grante tot e ea an um sy um, in said state of Kentucky. Approved, July 20, 1840, Smzrurs. I. 1**** July 20, 1840. CHAP. XC. -- An Act grpntinéyh tu; townships! of land for the use of a Uni- -—·————-—- vers: y in e erritory o awa. Bc it enacted, gc, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is Land granted hereby, authorize to set apart and reserve from sale, out of any of the for ° “““'°”*‘¥ public lands within the Territory of Iowa to which the Indian title has in Icwawhenit b b . . h ’ . . becomes, leen or may e extinguis ed, and not otherwise appropriated, a quansmte, &c. tity of land, not exceeding two entire townships, for the use and support of a university within the said Territory when it becomes a state, and for no other use or purpose whatsoever, to be located in tracts of not less than an entire section, corresponding with any of the legal divistops into wh1cIh phg tlands are authorized to be surveyed. Prnovsn u y . Srururs I. i i _ July 20, 1842; CrrAr·.XCI.—-Jin Act fur inc relief gte leggl representatives of PWlliam PWI- zams, senior, ecease . Be it enacted, ¢§•c., That John Campbell, James Campbell, Hamilauthorized to ton C. Campbell, and Mary Williams, be, and they are hereby, author-

;*;1;*;;l:L°¤d ized to relinquish to the United States, in such form as the Commissioner of the General Land Olhce shall prescribe, the south-west quarter