Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1132

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Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page International Production Control Com- mittees, appropriation for -.- ___ _ 274 International Seed Testing Congress, appropriation for share of expenses_ 292 Judgments, appropriation for------- 201, 630 Land-use planning, restriction on use of funds for----------------------- 274 Land utilization and retirement of sub- marginal land, appropriation for___ 287 Lands, options to purchase --- _-----_ 271 Library, appropriation for _- --- --_ _ 107, 273 Loans, grants, and rural rehabilitation, appropriation for------ _-- 82, 108, 292 Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, funds available for loans Agriculture, Department of-Continued. Page Political activities, pernicious, restric- tion on payment of persons engag- ing in---------- ----- _------- - 289 Price Control Extension Act of 1946. See separate title. Printing and binding, appropriation for_ 272 Transfer of funds from appropriation for forest-fire cooperation.. ____ 283 Production and Marketing Administra- tion- Appropriation for -------------- 189, 288 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations___ 570, 572 Production Credit Corporations. See separate title. Range Livestock Experiment Station, Mont., tract of land in, extension and renewal of lease to Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, authorized--- 311 Reconstruction Finance Corporation. See separate title. Reduction in designated appropria- tions ----------------- _--___ 10, 222 Regional Agricultural Credit Corpora- tion of Washington, D. C . See separate title. Reports- Annual, appropriation for printing and binding ----------------- 272 Restriction on use of Government Printing Office funds for ----- 406 Butter, process or renovated, quan- tity, quality, etc-------------- 301 Discontinuance of certain --------- 866 Research work ------------------- 277 Research laboratories, regional, appro- priation for-------------------- 282 Rubber project, emergency- Aliens, employment of ------------ 297 Reduction in appropriation; provi- sion for liquidation ------------ 10 Salinas, Calif., transfer of designated property to Bureau of Plant In- dustry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering ----------------- 279 Rural Electrification Administration. See separatetitle. Rural rehabilitation. See separatetite. Salaries and expenses, appropriation for-------------------------- 270 San Francisco radio office, use of funds for maintenance of-------------- 272 Secretary, Office of, appropriation for- 106, 270 Seeds of grasses and legumes, harvesting of, appropriation for additional payments for------------------- 288 Soil-building, etc., practices, funds avail- able for --------------------- 288 under-- ------- __-__---.__ Restrictions on use ------------- Loans or advances, limitations respect- 1063 293 ing---------------------------- 296 Marketing Services, appropriation for_ 108, 290 Mineral deposits in certain lands, func- tions relating to, transfer to De- partment of Interior; limitation on mineral development------------- 1099 Motion pictures or exhibits, funds avail- able for ---- ------------ --- - 272 Temporary employment, use of funds authorized------------------ _ 272 National advisory committee, agri- cultural research, etc., establish- ment, duties, etc--------------- 1091 National School Lunch Act. See sepa- rate title. Naval-stores investigations, appropri- ation for--------.--------- 282 Nurseries, restriction on use of funds for establishment of------------- 285 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating ---------------------- 297 Exception, certain emergency work-- 297 Pay costs, increased, appropriations for ----------------- 84,106, 107, 108 Peanuts. See separate title. Penalty mail costs, appropriation for-- 271 Personnel ceilings, restriction on modi- fication, etc--------------------- 297 Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Bureau of- Airplanes, operation and mainte- nance, appropriation for------- 279 Appropriation for _ ----------- _ 107,279 Salaries and expenses (fruit, vegetable, and specialty crops), restriction on incurrence of deficiencies; ex- ception ---------------- ___ _ 10 Salinas, Calif., transfer of designated property in vicinity of--------- 279 INDEX V