Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1156

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INDEX rage Coast Guard-Continued. ra ge Dependents-Continued. Transportation, certain, payment in lieu; rates------------------- 126 Discharge or dismissal of former person- nel, authority of Secretary of Treasury----------------------- 932 Discharged personnel, travel allowance_ 856 District of Columbia, details to duty in, removal of limitations on during designated period --------------- 857 Enlisted men- Allowances while in hospital, etc.; restriction on accrual in certain cases------------------------- 858 Commutation in lieu of rations, des- ignated personnel ------------- 858 Fort Lauderdale, Fla., conveyance by Treasury Department of designated site---------------------------- 901 General expenses, appropriation for---- 531 Reduction in appropriations--- 18, 227, 627 Headquarters, details at, restriction- _- 529 Household effects, transportation, etc., on change of station; repeal of prior legislation respecting------ 860 Insane members, abolition of certain functions with respect to--------- 1098 Limitation on applicability of pro- visions ---------------------- 1098 Insurance. See National Service Life Insurance Act of 1940. Ipswich, Mass., conveyance of light- house property at Castle Neck to town ------------------------- 923 Leave Act of 1946, Armed Forces. See separate title. Lighthouse Service- Navigation aids, special projects, re- duction in appropriation------ 18, 627 Retired pay- Appropriation for ------------ 532, 623 Reduction in appropriation--_ - -_ 18, 227 Local Inspectors, Boards of- Abolition ------------------------ Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Customs------- Marine Boards- Abolition -...................-- Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Customs------ Marine Casualty Investigation Board- Abolition ---


Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Customs ----- _ Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of- Abolition ------

Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Customs------ 1098 1097 1098 1097 1098 1097 1098 1097 Coast Guard-Continued. Page Merchant Marine Inspection- Salaries and expenses- Appropriation for -------------- 532 Reduction in appropriation 18, 227, 627 Transfer of funds to appropria- tion, authorized ------------ 228 Money allowance in lieu of transporta- tion, designated personnel -------- 860 Navigation, transfer of designated func- tions from Treasury Department and Commerce Department to Commandant of Coast Guard- .. 1097 Navigation aids- Establishment and improvement, ap- propriation for---------------- 532 Reduction in appropriations ----- 18, 627 Rewards for apprehension, etc., of persons interfering with, pay- ment authorized--------------- 857 Special projects, reduction in appro- priation-------------------- 18, 627 Ordnance and aircraft, procurement from Army and Navy; limitation_ 531 Pay and allowances- Appropriation for----------------- 530 Readjustment-------------------- 343 Reduction in appropriations -- 18, 227, 627 Pennsylvania, notification of enactment of legislation granting certain land, etc., to Commonwealth ---------- 895 Per diem rates of allowance ----------- 81 Personal property losses, appropriation for--.------------------------- 530 Philippine war damage claims, inclusion of designated persons as "qualified persons"----------------------- 129 Property, supplies, etc., interchange be- tween Army, Navy, and Coast Guard without compensation, au- thorized--------------------- 883 Public Health Service officers on detail, per diem rates of allowance au- thorized ------------------- - 530 Rations and commutation, working parties in the field--------------- 857 Rear admirals, certain, of retired list recalled to active duty, pay, etc--- 86 Receipts from sales, etc., use of------- 856 Reduction in designated appropria- tions------------------- 18,227, 627 Remains of certain persons buried out- side U. S ., evacuation and return- 183 Appropriation authorized ---------- 183 Appropriation for----------------- 268 Rental allowances, occupancy of Govern- ment facilities under Military Establishment------------------ 56 XXIX - -