Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/497

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. amended in accordance with Arti- cle XII of the present Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "agreed services"). Inauguration of agreed services. Designation of air carrier or carriers. Operating permis- sion. Post, p. 1588. meres A cette Annexe, sans preju- dice d'amendements qui seraient apportes Acelle-ci conform6ment A 1'Article XII du present accord. ARTICLE I a) The agreed services may be inaugurated immediately or at a later date at the option of the Contracting Party to whom the rights are granted, on condition that: (1) the Contracting Party to whom the rights have been grant- ed shall have designated an air carrier or carriers for the specified route or routes. (2) the Contracting Party which grants the rights shall have given the appropriate operating permis- sion to the air carrier or carriers concerned pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Article which (subject to the provisions of Article VI) it shall do with the least possible delay. b) The designated air carrier or carriers may be required to satisfy the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Party granting the rights that it or they is or are qualified to fulfill the conditions prescribed by or under the laws and regulations normally applied by those authorities to the opera- tions of commercial air carriers. ARTICLE III a) The charges which either Contracting Party may impose or permit to be imposed on the designated air carrier or carriers of the other Contracting Party for the use of airports and other Post, . 1591. ARTICLE II a) Lesdits services peuvent etre inaugures immediatement ou a une date ulterieure, au choix de la Partie Contractante a laquelle les droits sont accords, A condition quo (1) la Partie Contractante a laquelle les droits ont 6et accordes ait design6 une ou plusieurs entre- prises de transport aerien pour exploiter la ou les routes specifiees, et que (2) la Partie Contractante qui accorde ]es droits sit donne, dans les conditions pr6vues au para- graphe (b) du present article, a l'entreprise ou aux entreprises in- teressees l'autorisation d'exploita- tion requise, ce qu'elle devra faire dans le plus court dMlai possible, sous reserve des dispositions de l'Article VI. b) L'entreprise ou les entre- prises ainsi designees pourront etre requises par les autorites a6ronau- tiques de la Partie Contractante qui accorde les droits de satisfaire aux conditions, prescrites aux termes des lois et reglements nor- malement appliques par ces memes autorites, en matiere d'exploita- tion de transports aeriens com- merciaux. ARTICLEim a) Les taux des taxes imposes pour l'utilisation des aeroports et autres facilites A l'entreprise ou aux entreprises de transport aerien de l'une ou l'autre Partie Con- tractante ne seront pas plus eleves Charges.