Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/506

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60 STAT.] BELGIUM-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-APR. 5 , 1946 destined for or coming from third countries at a point or points specified in the attached Schedule, shall be applied in accordance with the general principles of orderly development to which both Governments subscribe and shall be subject to the general principle that capacity shall be related: 1°) to traffic requirements be- tween the country of origin and the countries of destination; 20) to the requirements of through airline operation and 3°) to the traffic requirements of the area through which the air- line passes after taking account of local and regional services. SECTION V. a) The determination of rates in accordance with the following paragraphs shall be made at reasonable levels, due regard be- ing paid to all relevant factors, such as cost of operation, reason- able profit, and the rates charged by any other carriers, as well as the characteristics of each service. b) The rates to be charged by the air carriers of either Con- tracting Party between the points in the territory of the United States and points in Belgian terri- tory referred to in this Annex shall, consistent with the provis- ions of the present Agreement and its Annex, be subject to the ap- proval of the aeronautical author- ities of the Contracting Parties, who shall act in accordance with their obligations under the present Annex, within the limits of their legal powers. c) The Civil Aeronautics Board of the United States having ap- sera exerce conformement aux principes gdneraux de d6velop- pement ordonn6 affirm&s par les deux Gouvernements, et dans lea conditions telles que la capacit6 soit adapt6e; 1°) A la demande de trafic entre le pays d'origine et les pays de destination; 20) aux exigences de l'exploita- tion des services de long courier; et 3°) & la demande de trafic dans les regions travers6es, compte tenu des services locaux et regionaux. SECTION V. a) La fixation des tarifs, con- formement A la procedure ci- dessous d6finie, devra Atre faite A des taux raisonnables, compte tenu de tous les elments d'ap- pr6ciation, et en particulier des frais d'exploitation, de la r6alisa- tion d'un benefice normal, des tarifs pratiqu6s par les autres entreprises, ainsi que des caras- teristiques preentees par chaque service. b) Les tarifs a appliquer par lee entreprises de chacune des Parties Contractantes pour les parcours prevus au tableau ci-annexe entre les territoires des Etats-Unis d'A- merique et les territoires belges devront etre soumis, conforme- ment aux dispositions du present Accord et de son Annexe a l'appro- bation des autorit6s aeronautiques de chacune des Parties Con- tractantes, lesquelles agiront selon les obligations resultant de la pr& sente Annexe, dans les limites de leurs pouvoirs legaux. c) Le "Civil Aeronautics Board" des Etats-Unis ayant approuv6 Determtatin dof rates. Approval of rate.