Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/545

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. serao aplicadas ao excedente exportavel relativo a safra brasileira de 1945-1946, dos tipos e qualidades especificados na tabela anexada ao Acordo. Fica, outrossim, entendido que o excedente exportAvel da safra de 1945-1946 estara disponivel para embarque dentro dos prazos fixados no caso das safras de 1943-1944 e 1944-1945, principalmente durante os meses de maio a setembro de 1946. 5. Em resposta, cabe-me declarar a Vossa Excelencia que o Governo brasileiro aceita o referido Acordo nas bases acima sugeridas, e Ihe da, desde ja, sua inteira aprovacao. Aproveito o ensejo para reiterar a Vossa Excelencia os protestos da minha mais alta consideracao. P. LEro VELoso A Sua Excelencia o Senhor ADOLPHO BERLE Junior, Embaixadordos Estados Unidosda America. Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Rio DE JANEIRO. DEC/SEI/SPE/DAI/164/842.16 (42) (22) July 20, 1946. MR. AMBASSADOR: Ante, p. 1632 I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of note no. 195 of this date, whereby Your Excellency, referring to the recent conversations between Brazilian authorities and representatives of the Governments of the United States of America and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, with respect to the price to be paid for exportable surpluses of the 1944-1945 Brazilian rice crop, and the extension of the Agree- ment now in force to the 1945-1946 crop, proposes that an Agreement be approved on the following bases: 1. The Government of the United States of America, acting jointly with the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, agrees to pay an increase of 10 per cent on the basic price established for the exportable surplus of the 1943-1944 Brazilian rice crop of specified types and qualities, under the terms set forth in the Schedule incor- porated in the exchange of notes of December 21, 1943, which establish an Agreement for the purchase and sale of the exportable surplus of the 1944-1945 Brazilian rice crop. 2. The Government of the United States of America also agrees that the maximum allowable content of broken rice, known as "brokens", referred to in clause no. 1 (Types and qualities), of the Schedule which constitutes annex no. 1 to the exchange of notes of December 21, 1943, shall be increased from 10 per cent to 20 per cent. 3. All the terms and conditions of the Agreement established by the exchange of notes of December 21, 1943 and enclosures thereto shall remain unchanged, save for the above-stated modifications in the basic price and in the percentage of broken rice. 1634