Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/608

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60 STAT.] U. S. S. R. -RADIO TELETYPE CHANNELS-MAY 24, 1946 The channels will be through a radio relay station at Tangier. With the aim of not interrupting the present radio teletypewriter circuits between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America, it is agreed that transmission of traffic over these channels will continue on a military basis pending completion of the Tangier radio relay station. These communications will be used for the transmission of Public Correspondence between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with priority of service reserved for the transmission of Governmental telegrams of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and of the United States of America. Governmental telegrams of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and of the United States of America will normally be handled on a tape-relay basis. This communication service will further provide for the establishment of radio teletypewriter conference service be- tween the Governmental agencies of the Government of Soviet So- cialist Republics when desired. This communication service will also provide this conference service between the Governmental agen- cies of the Government of the United States of America when desired. No restrictions or limitations will be imposed by either Government as to language or codes and ciphers to be used by either Government in the official transaction of their respective business, i.e. radio tele- typewriter service operating on an automatic or tape-relay basis per- mits the use of the Russian alphabet and the use of non-uniform codes and ciphers (mixed letters and figures plus other teletypewriter char- acters and functions). The operation of the circuits between Tangier and Moscow, U.S .S .R. will be operated at Tangier by the United States commercial com- munication companies, at Moscow by the Ministry of Postal and Elec- trical Communications. The operation of the circuits between the United States and the relay station or stations in Tangier will be by the interested United States commercial communication companies-RCA, Mackay Radio and Press Wireless, Incorporated organizations. ARTICLE II The Government of the United States of America agrees: A. To assist the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics in purchasing through the United States Foreign Liquida- tion Commission sufficient equipment to operate initially two each full-duplex single-channel radio teletypewriter channels between Mos- cow and each participating United States commercial company in Tangier. B. That the newly organized commercial service will utilize in Mos- cow the equipment of the existing military radio teletypewriter chan- nels which will be expanded to fulfill the terms of Article II (A) as soon as possible. C. That by mutual agreement between the Ministry of Postal and Electrical Communications and each of the participating companies, 1697 Relay station. Priority of service. Governmental tele- grams. Conference service. Language, codes, etc. Circuits between Tangier and Moscow. Circuits between U. S. and Tangier. Purchase of equip- mentbyU.S.S.R. Use of existing equipment. Replacement of in- stallations.