Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/695

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1784 Adoption of certain measures, regulations, etc. Applicability; ex- ception. Continuance in force; termination. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. territories or possessions to one another irrespective of any change in the political status of any such territories or possessions. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the adoption or enforcement by either Party within the area of its jurisdiction: of measures relating to the importation or exportation of gold or silver or the traffic in arms, ammunition, and implements of war, and, in exceptional circumstances, all other military supplies; of measures necessary in pursuance of obligations for the maintenance of international peace and security or necessary for the protection of the essential interests of such Party in time of national emergency; or of statutes in relation to immigration and travel. Subject to the requirement that, under like circumstances and conditions, there shall be no arbitrary dis- crimination by either Party against the subjects, nationals, commerce or navigation of the other Party in favor of the subjects, nationals commerce or navigation of any third country, the provisions of this Agreement shall not extend to prohibitions or restrictions: imposed on moral or humanitarian grounds; designed to protect human, animal, or plant life or health; relating to prison-made goods; or relating to the enforcement of police or revenue law. ARTICLE VI The provisions of this Agreement shall apply to all territory under the sovereignty or authority of either of the parties, except the Panama Canal Zone. ARTICLE VII This Agreement shall continue in force until superseded by a more comprehensive commercial agreement, or until thirty days from the date of a written notice of termination given by either party to the other Party, whichever is the earlier. Moreover, either Party may terminate Articles I, II, III, or IV on thirty days written notice. If the above provisions are acceptable to the Government of the Kingdom of the Yemen this note and the reply signifying assent thereto shall, if agreeable to that Government, be regarded as con- stituting an agreement between the two Governments which shall become effective on the date of such acceptance. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration. WILLIAM A. EDDY Chief, Special U. S. DiplomaticMission to the Kingdom of the Yemen AL QADI ABDUL KARIM MUTAHHAR Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kingdom of the Yemen