Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/827

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [60 STAT. Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America and the Czechoslovak Republic. Dohoda o leteck p eprav mezi Spojenymi staty severoamerickymi Having in mind the resolu- tion recommending a standard form of agreement for provisional air routes and services, included in the Final Act of the Internatio- nal Civil Aviation Conference signed at Chicago on December 7, 1944,11 and the desirability of mu- tually stimulating and promoting the sound economic development of air transportation between the United States of America and the Republic of Czechoslovakia, the two Governments parties to this Agreement agree that the develop- ment of air transport services between their respective territo- ries shall be governed by the following provisions: ARTICLE 1. The contracting parties grant the right specified in the Annex hereto necessary for establishment of the international civil air routes and services therein de- scribed, whether such services be inaugurated immediately or at a later date at the option of the contracting party to whom the rights are granted. a reptlblikou eeskoslovenskou. MaJice na zreteli rozhod- nuti doporucujici vzor dohody o prozatimnich leteckych tratich a doprave, obsazene v Zaverecnem aktu konference o Mezinarodnim civilnim letectvi, podepsane v Chicagu dne 7. prosince 1944, a prejice si vzajemne usnadniti a podporovati zdravy hospodar- sky rozvoj leteckd dopravy mezi Spojenymi staty severoamerickl- mi a republikou Ceskoslovenskou, obe smluvni strany souhlasi, aby tato doprava mezi jejich prislusnymi uzemimi dala se podle techto ustano'ieni: CLAN3C 1. Smluvni strany udeluji prava uvedena v pfipojend Prilo- ze, ktera jsou'nutnd ke zfizeni mezindrodnich civilnich leteckych trati a dopravy, jak uvedeno v ter to Priloze, pri cem£ nezdleli na tom, zda tato doprava bude zahdjena ihned nebo pozdeji po- dle toho, jak se rozhodne smluv- ni strana, ktere se tato prava udeluji. [InternationalCivil Aviation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, November 1 to Decem- ber 7, 1944, Final Act and Related Documents, Department of State publication 2282, Conference Series 64.]