Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 2.djvu/871

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INDEX International Agreements Other Than Treaties-Continued. Great Britain-Continued. Penicillin, exchange of information on.-..--..................... Petroleum ----------

_- ____ _-- Recaptured vessels, use and dis- position --------------- .- - ___ Tort claims-

______ U. S . Army and Navy surplus prop- erty and surplus installations in United Kingdom------ _ __ _ _ _ - - Greece, commercial relations--------- Haiti, finances ---------- __ ________ - Honduras, military mission ---------- India, mutual aid settlement -------- Multilateral- Central Commission of the Rhine, arrangement providing for U. S . participation----- ----- _ _- - - - - Chapultepec, Act of_ - - ____-____ - European Coal Organization_____ -- Germany, declaration regarding _ --. Inter-American system ------------ International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development--------- International Monetary Fund ------ Moscow Agreement, 1945--------- North American regional broadcast- ing--------------

Rubber-------------------------- Telecommunications ...- ------- ---- United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, constitution ----- Wheat--------------------------- Netherlands, natural rubber -------- New Zealand, mutual aid settlement -- Norway, liberated Norwegian territory, civil administration and jurisdic- tion in------------------------- Philippines, general relations ..- -- -- - Poland, economic and financial coopera- tion--------------------------- South Africa, Union of- Mutual aid --------------------- Postwar economic settlements------- Soviet Socialist Republics, Union of, ra- dio teletype communication chan- nels---------------------------- Sweden, air transport services, amend- ment of agreement of December 16, 1944 -------------------------- Switzerland, air transport services ---- Turkey, mutual aid settlement-------- Venezuela, military mission-___ __- ---- Yemen, Kingdom of the, friendship and commerce---------------------- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development: Agreement, articles of--------------- Page 1485 1547 1909 1563 1561 1483 1675 1470 1753 1932 1831 1517 1649 1847 1440 1401 1899 1862 1821 1636 1886 1802 1688 1791 1581 1800 1609 1576 1579 1696 1859 1935 1809 1677 1782 1440 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development-Continued. Amendments ---------------- __-__ Approval deemed given -- ___-----..- Capital-.--------------------_____ Entry into force- __ -- --- _____- - Interpretation ------- ____-_______. List of articles and sections----------- Loans and guarantees, general provi- sions---------_ - ___ __ ___ __ __ ___ . Membership- Qualifications ---------------- _ Withdrawal and suspension-_ __ __ __ _ Operations-- --....---------------.. Suspension of-- ... .. ... ... .. ... .. Organization and management ------- Schedules- A-Subscriptions - --------- _---- B-Election of executive directors___ Signature------------------- _- -- - Status, immunities and privileges------ International Monetary Fund: Agreement, articles of___

Amendments ------------------- Capital transfers ------------------ Currencies, par values of------------- Initial determination ____ -- - -- - -- - - Emergency provisions -_------------- Entry into force --------------- Interpretation ------------------- List of articles and sections----------- Membership------------------------ Obligations of members, general------- Offices and depositories ------------- Organization and management -. .. -- .. Quotas and subscriptions ---------- Schedules- A-Quotas ---------------------- B-Provisions with respect to repur- chase by a member of its cur- rency held by the Fund ------- C-Election of executive directors- - D-Settlement of accounts with mem- bers withdrawing ------------ E-Administration of liquidation-. . - Status, immunities and privileges---- Terms, explanation of-------------- Withdrawal from membership_ ---- --- International Wheat Council, continua- tion, agreement respecting--------- Interstate Commerce Act, Amendment, printing of additional copies of Senate hearings ------------------------- Ippolito, Joseph, payment to --. .. --- -. Iran: International agreements other than treaties- International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development --------- International Monetary Fund------- 1963 Page 1459 1460 1441 1460 1460 1468 1443 1441 1454 1445 1456 1450 1466 1467 1460 1457 1401 1423 1409 1403 1427 1422 1425 1423 1438 1402 1411 1419 1415 1402 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1413 1424 1421 1802 1327 1273 1440 1401