Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/430

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MULTILATERAL-PEACE WITH ITALY-FEB . 10, 1947 1387 PART IV NAVAL, MILITARY AND AIR CLAUSES SECTION I-DURATION OF APPLICATION Article 46 Each of the military, naval and air clauses of the present Treaty shall remain in force until modified in whole or in part by agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers and Italy or, after Italy becomes a member of the United Nations, by agreement between the Security Council and Italy. SECTION II--GENERAL LIMITATIONS Article 47 1. (a) The system of permanent Italian fortifications and military installations along the Franco-Italian frontier, and their armaments, shall be destroyed or removed (b) This system is deemed to comprise only artillery and infantry fortifications whether in groups or separated, pillboxes of any type, pro- tected accommodation for personnel, stores and ammunition, observation posts and military cableways, whatever may be their importance and actual condition of maintenance or state of construction, which are constructed of metal, masonry or concrete or excavated in the rock. 2. The destruction or removal, mentioned in paragraph 1 above, is limited to a distance of 20 kilometers from any point on the frontier as defined by the present Treaty, and shall be completed within one year from the coming into force of the Treaty. 3. Any reconstruction of the above-mentioned fortifications and insialla- tions is prohibited. 4. (a) The following construction to the east of the Franco-Italian frontier is prohibited: permanent fortifications where weapons capable of firing into French territory or territorial waters can be emplaced; permanent military installations capable of being used to conduct or direct fire into French territory or territorial waters; and permanent supply and storage facilities emplaced solely for the use of the above-mentioned fortifications and installations. (b) This prohibition does not include other types of non-permanent fortifications or surface accommodations and installations which are designed 61 STAT.]