Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/499

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13. Debts owed by persons in Italy, or in territory ceded to Yugoslavia, to persons in the Free Territory, or by persons in the Free Territory to persons in Italy or in territory ceded to Yugoslavia, shall not be affected by the cession. Italy, Yugoslavia and the Free Territory undertake to facili- tate the settlement of such obligations. As used in this paragraph, the term "persons" includes juridical persons. 14. The property in the Free Territory of any of the United Nations and its nationals, if not already freed from Italian measures of sequestra- tion or control and returned to its owner, shall be returned in the condition in which it now exists. 15. Italy shall return property unlawfully removed after September 3, 1943, from the Free Territory to Italy. Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Article 75 shall govern the application of this obligation except as regards property provided for elsewhere in this Annex. The provisions of paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Article 75 shall apply to the restitution by the Free Territory of property removed from the terri- tory of any of the United Nations during the war. 16. Italy shall return to the Free Territory in the shortest possible time any ships in Italian possession which were owned on September 3, 1943, by natural persons resident in the Free Territory who acquire the nationality of the Free Territory under the present Treaty, or by Italian juridical persons having and retaining siege social in the Free Territory, except any ships which have been the subject of a bona fide sale. 17. Italy and the Free Territory, and Yugoslavia and the Free Terri- tory, shall conclude agreements providing for a just and equitable appor- tionment of the property of any existing local authority whose area is divided by any frontier settlement under the present Treaty, and for a continuance to the inhabitants of necessary communal services not specifically covered in other parts of the Treaty. Similar agreements shall be concluded for a just and equitable alloca- tion of rolling stock and railway equipment and of dock and harbour craft and equipment, as well as for any other outstanding economic matters not covered by this Annex. 18. Citizens of the Free Territory shall, notwithstanding the transfer of sovereignty and any change of nationality consequent thereon, continue to 1456 TREATIES [61 STAT.